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what is blog marketing and how to do it? - Printable Version

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what is blog marketing and how to do it? - Mohammad - 11-18-2012 01:00 PM

I need to sell sell some awesome product . What can i write in my blog? and how i can get more traffic?
pls answer me with example so that i can understand it easily. thnx.

- siva - 11-18-2012 01:09 PM

First add some codes to change the title of update page. Then write about your product details in briefly with some interesting points. your title should be inform the advantage of products. For instance "One tool for 10 SEO activities". Then share your update on facebook, twitter, popular do follow social bookmarking like reddit, delicious, stumble upon, digg, diigo and more. This activities help to get more traffic and also get good position to your product name on SERP.

- Pearl Pitt - 11-18-2012 01:09 PM

Initially choose some interesting title for your post as this is the title on whose basis the search engine shows the results. So just think from the point of a user how he/she will search for these products.

- robby C - 11-18-2012 01:09 PM

I found an awesome article marketing strategy on this website that I have used with quite a bit of success to help me get my websites ranked higher on Google search results pages and get more traffic. Basically you write articles and then submit them to different websites and blogs to create links. The links get you traffic, but also make your site more important in the eyes of the search engines so that you rank higher in the search results pages. It's all written out step by step on the website. Check it out and see if it is helpful. Good Luck! Smile