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How do text messages get hacked? - Printable Version

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How do text messages get hacked? - Cormagh - 11-18-2012 01:02 PM

Regarding the Anthony Weiner case, I would like to know exactly how the press can get into the texts or tweets of individuals. There are non-disclosure agreements with cell phone companies, and Twitter. Exactly how were these agreements breached? If they were, why wouldn't Weiner or anyone else have a case against the companies?

- GFN-Sol - 11-18-2012 01:10 PM

tweets are simple, they are public and twitter keeps record of every single one you send. As for texts they are as private as you make them, your provider has to give them up if asked to by a law enforcement agency or court, full records are kept of everything you do. And if you are under surveylance they can be monitored in real time anyway as you get them then special equipment can too. Texts and tweets are not secure or secret....they are open..