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Anyone know how I can get my Avon business off the ground? - Printable Version

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Anyone know how I can get my Avon business off the ground? - shanita c - 11-18-2012 01:02 PM

I am a college student looking for a way to earn money since i am broke. So I started selling Avon about two three months ago. All I have done is owe money and I only have about three customers each campaign. I feel like I am losing out on money instead of earning money. Any ideas to help me out ?

- punyframe146 - 11-18-2012 01:11 PM

well your in college so thats a plus lots of girls in dorms to sell makeup and stuff to.. Why don' t you go to the dorms and put up flyers and leave your books also make a date and time when you will be there to fill orders and also have some products out on a table at there dorm and get orders and feedback etc... from there you can also approach the schools. You could also set up an avon party a certain day of the week send out flyers and explain the first 20 customers will recieve a free gift etc... just be ahead of the game. don't wait for people to come to you be proactive get excited about the product and get out there everywhere you think they meet. starting with there housing projects and there schools.

- zipzoom - 11-18-2012 01:11 PM

Have you considered online marketing? Online marketing is the trendy thing to do nowadays, whether through social media sites like FB or Twitter or through online listing websites, you can really expose your business to the right consumers who would be interested. The best part about online marketing is it's free, if done correctly. Also, since you're not outgoing, you can communicate with potential customers through the computer screen, eliminating the need for one on one marketing.

Create a Facebook page for your business to increase awareness. Also, you should list your business online, specifically on websites that direct users to local businesses in their area. is actually a pretty cool online service; it is an online shopping website where users/customers can search for local businesses that offer products and services ranging from babysitters to electricians to flowers. Users can communicate directly with businesses they choose to buy services/products from after getting recommendations from, and from there, your business can gain business. Usually, I believe they charge vendors for signing up, but since they're new, they are offering a special promotion for vendors who are interested: register as a vendor for free. It's a good option for those who are on a tight budget but still need exposure to grow their business. If this is something that appeals to you, you should just try it out and see what happens.

Good luck and let me know if you need additional help!