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Is it illegal to hack into my Tumblr account without my consent? - Printable Version

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Is it illegal to hack into my Tumblr account without my consent? - cataspharia c: - 11-18-2012 01:04 PM

Someone hacked into my Tumblr account (without my knowledge) and posted a text post basically insulting me and using a word that I normally say in class and such, so I'm assuming that I know them. Can I take legal actions against them for this if I ever find out who did it? Is there any way to figure out who did it? I already changed my password, btw.

- Smexiness - 11-18-2012 01:12 PM

Yes it is illegal.
See if tumblr has a list of ip's where ur account was logged in from.
It might be possible to trace them from that.
Good Luck~

- Blues Einhander - 11-18-2012 01:12 PM

You certainly can. If someone hacks into your account and poses as you, that is identity theft. It doesn't matter whether it's a person's Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or bank account. When someone assumes your identity, the crime of identity theft has occurred. Not only is it a criminal offense, but it's also grounds to launch a civil lawsuit. This means if you were actually damaged by the actions either through your reputation or financially in some way, you can sue the hacker for damages.

However, the trickier part is finding the hacker and proving the identity theft. You can try calling the police and filing a criminal report. Alternatively, you can try to contact Tumblr and see if they can provide you with the hacker's IP address. An extreme measure if Tumblr refuses is that you can file a civil lawsuit against the unknown hacker and then attempt to subpoena Tumblr for the IP address. This is called suing Doe defendants, and is only allowed by certain states. It can be a costly and long process, but it is possible. You can talk to a lawyer if you choose to pursue this path. But the more cost-effective route may be just to secure your account by changing your password to a secure one. But it sounds like you did this already.

- kirabbloger - 11-18-2012 01:12 PM

Get 50 followers in tumblr for five dollar