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How do you think Twitter is going to end up making money? - Printable Version

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How do you think Twitter is going to end up making money? - everynameisunavailable99 - 11-18-2012 01:04 PM

It has to start generating profit at some point, how do you think it will go about it?

- Kemical - 11-18-2012 01:13 PM

Advert, gold member ship (see who's online and who's visited your page the most).. blabla.. Smile

- Murphy - 11-18-2012 01:13 PM

From advertisers.

The talkmaster's presence generates a tremedous following

- inhisgracecards - 11-18-2012 01:13 PM

Who says Twitter isn't making money already?



It's no secret that Twitter has hit the big time. Since all accounts are free, why couldn't the founders of Twitter create their own accounts? And why couldn't those accounts be tied to either MLM opportunities and/or affiliate programs? Since they are the founders and know exactly how the tool works it would seem that they would be able to take complete advantage of both their position and knowledge. As such they create a marketing magnet for their own products while providing a system others can use to generate their own successes.

I'm not saying the above IS taking place, but rather why couldn't it be taking place? Ever watch the moved "Pay It Forward?" This would be the above principal at work in a huge way.

Create a system where you are helping the world to succeed that you give away for free.

People jump on board in droves and your behind the scenes success is assured.

The above concept, which I hope Twitter is using, is also what the Body By Chocolate system is built upon.

Come join me on Twitter for even more insightful thoughts about Twitter & healthy chocolate.