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What are the differences between the Catholic Church and United Church of Christ? - Printable Version

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What are the differences between the Catholic Church and United Church of Christ? - Kimberly - 11-18-2012 01:05 PM

I was born and raised Catholic, but left several years ago as it didn't seem like the right fit for me. Now, I have found United Church of Christ and after attending a few services I'm contemplating joining the congregation. While the religious aspect is similar to what I'm used to, the fundamentals are very different so I'm really hoping to find some people who have made / are making the same transition I am that might be able to illuminate the differences in the faiths.

Any help is appreciated!

- Fanaticalsleet676 - 11-18-2012 01:13 PM

I've never heard of the United Church of Christ...

- deeparm285 - 11-18-2012 01:13 PM

The Pope has a pimp hat!

- faithfulcannon919 - 11-18-2012 01:13 PM

I'm with Hugo. I f*cking HATE the Catholic Church but the Pope has one b*tchin' hat.

- Robert S - 11-18-2012 01:13 PM

The Catholic Church has over a billion members.
The Catholic Church has basically existed 2000 years.
The Catholic Church has universal teaching.
The Catholic Church is centrally administered.
United Church of Christ is a tiny man-made organization.

- wwJd Grace - 11-18-2012 01:13 PM

whats the united church of Christ!?!

- Naruto - 11-18-2012 01:13 PM

First, in the efforts of full disclosure I must admit that I was raised in a UCC Church, am still a member of a UCC Church, and am currently a representative for the Kansas-Oklahoma Conference to the Wider-Church Ministries Council. So yeah, I love this church. I am afraid that I won't be very objective in these following paragraphs.

Fundamentally, the two denominations could not be more different. I will use the example of communion. The Catholic church believes that once you partake of the bread it trandsends itself and becomes the actual embodiment of the body of christ. In the UCC, we see this as more of a metaphor as our need to repent and be saved by a higher power.

This leads me to my next point, whereas the Catholic church lays down an absoulte doctrine that must be followed otherwise the action results in sin, the UCC is very... tolerant. We realize that we are not the judge of men. We are a "market place of ideas" if you will, a constantly changing and updating doctrine. We embrace our differences and seek to encourage each other so that we may be closer to God. There are many times where I disagree with my fellow church members, AND THATS ALL RIGHT! We disagree without becoming disagreeable. We don't seek to validate our opinions by the acceptence of mortal men.

Lastly, the UCC is a social justice driven organization where the Catholic is driven by theology. As congragationalists we are highly independent. Its like every church has its own flavor or personality. The experience you recieve at one chucrh will not mirror one from even a neighborhing church.

Now I hope I didn't disparage the Catholic church in any way. The fact is if a person wants to express their faith in any way its a very good thing and I'm happy for them. But to respectfully discent, I LOVE my church. If you want more informantion I linked you some websites. If you wish to contact me feel free to do so. I truly enjoy spreading the word. Best of luck in your travels, mate!