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Can you upload pictures to Twitter from the Verizon LG Chocolate? - Printable Version

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Can you upload pictures to Twitter from the Verizon LG Chocolate? - blalalalah - 11-18-2012 01:05 PM

Or is the option to upload pictures onto Twitter only for iPhone users?

- Iluminati Hottie - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

Go here on a computer:

You sign in with your Twitter sign in info.

Then you need to activate it for mobile.

Then you enter the 'address' they give you into your phone contacts. Every time you want to 'tweet' a picture, you will send the picture to the twitpic address in your phone. Any text you enter along with the picture message will be used as your title or info with the picture.

ANYONE can do this, but make sure you have unlimited txt/pic messaging or your wireless provider will make a lot of money off of you.