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What is the point of a hashtag? - Printable Version

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What is the point of a hashtag? - amanda m - 09-30-2012 08:45 AM

I don't understand twitter. What is the point of hashtags? I don't get it can somebody please explain it to me?

- Jenna - 09-30-2012 08:53 AM

I never use tweeter but i think its only purpose is for searching. The tags represent keywords

- Trevor - 09-30-2012 08:53 AM

hash tags are used for showing importants for the words. Another thing that they use it for are trends and if you click on the hash tag it will show what other people say about the topic.

- Rock Den - 09-30-2012 08:53 AM

Hashtags evolved on Twitter as a way to channel all of the noise. Because millions of conversations and posts are occurring every day, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed when you first encounter the Twitter stream, because it appears that nothing relates to anything else. So, Twitter users looked for ways to make sense of the chaos, and hashtags became one of the tools we use.
•You could learn the lastest news faster than the official media and specialty bloggers could publish it
•You could find lots of new people to follow who share your common interests
•You could participate in Twitter conversations with experts to whom you’d probably never gain access any other way
•You can keep those back at home updated on what you’re seeing, whom you’re meeting, and insight you’re gaining throughout the conference