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My yahoo id got infected with some virus, how do I remove this? - Printable Version

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My yahoo id got infected with some virus, how do I remove this? - tinsflores - 11-18-2012 01:06 PM

When I open my mail, the greetings says hello Greta with a profile picture of a blond woman wearing only a bra. My name is not Greta and I have not uploaded that picture.

Also, my contacts on yahoo messenger tell me that they keep on receiving instant messages from me and that I constantly buzz them. I think this happens when I am offline.

How do I solve this Problem?

- Murali - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

Its not infected. Somebody hacked your account. Quickly change the password and relogin and try to change all things to normal.

- david b - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

Change your password

- Suzie Homemaker - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

Sometimes you can't. I just lost my $1.600.00 laptop last week to a virus. I lost everything. Pics of my trips and my grandchildren. This time I bought an Apple.

- Brandon - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

go to yahoo and type in avast it should bring up a linkthat says free antivirus download... get rid of any norton antivirus or macafee cause they suck and expire in a month thats prolly what ur prob was... just download avast it will make you restart and in the process oof repoting it will take care of the virus for u... u gotta register for avast its free just use email... i works wonders for me

- moofu49 - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

This means that your password got phished and a hacker is doing it. Your account nor computer have a virus.

Hackers often target accounts on services such as Yahoo, Facebook, YouTube, MySpace, eBay, the list can go on. But once they hack your password, they use it for often illicit purposes such as sending spam to all your contacts, or doing other types of bad things like infecting people's computer with viruses. Unfortunately, if disciplinary action is taken by said services, the actual account holder will be penalized, not the perpetrator. In these cases, identifying the perpetrator is nothing short of impossible except by their IP address.

Step 1: CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD. Make it something that is difficult to crack, but something that you can remember easily. A strong password should be at least 6 letters and include a number and a special character like an exclamation point or an ampersand. It cannot just be a single word, as hackers have programs that can crack it if it is one word. Be creative.

Step 2: Loose lips sink ships. Don't tell your password to anybody, not even your family. That info is need-to-know only. If you must write it down, store somewhere safe.

Step 3: Do damage control. Notify Yahoo of the situation and explain what has happened, especially if you are unable to access your account. Do it to cover yourself. If any people on your contact list received spam or anything else, tell them to save it and to forward it to you as this will be evidence that you can use.

Step 4: Be sure to change the passwords to any other accounts you may hold (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, etc). DO NOT use the same password for more than one account.

Step 5: Be wary of fishy e-mails, especially ones with misspellings or very gisted English. Hackers sometimes get the information they want by use of fake e-mails posing as a legitimate entity, including Yahoo. Often they will get it by threatening account termination if a user does not "update" their information, and they will either ask it to be sent by e-mail, or the letter will include a hyperlink that will connect you to a phony site with a form to fill out your info. Never send sensitive information by way of e-mail if you are not sure who is on the other end. Further, a legitimate entity such as Yahoo would NEVER threaten account termination for failure to update your information. It's a scare tactic, and it's frighteningly effective.

Once again, you do not have a virus. Some hacker phished your password and is using your account to patronize and annoy your friends. Change your password right away while you still can.

- Deepak - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

I think your acount had been hacked by any hacker, be sure that somebody ask about your id and password. Please tell that can you login in your acount or not. If you can login in your acount then change your password and login again.Please read the link below for further information.

- L S - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

Are you referring to Yahoo Messenger or some kind of installed Yahoo program on your computer? If so, it sounds very much like a virus. If you've changed your password (use someone else's computer) and these messages to your contacts continue, then I would say you have a virus because it's not likely that someone has figured out your new password so fast. A friend of ours who uses MSN Messenger got virussed by clicking on a link which said something like "Hey are these pictures at the party of you?? (then some link or other)" After that, his messenger program kept sending similar messages to those of us on his contact list.

Try SUPERAntiSpyware (link 1) and/or Malwarebytes (link 2) or the complete guide (link 3) which uses both of these: