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Why do you think the specter of socialism is haunting the American ruling elite? - Printable Version

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Why do you think the specter of socialism is haunting the American ruling elite? - justgoodfolk - 11-18-2012 01:06 PM

One finds in the media increasing references to the prospect of socialism. The different factions of the bourgeoisie accuse each other of socialistic tendencies, while insisting on their own absolute commitment to the principles of free enterprise.
It is ironic that this discussion of socialism is engaging a political and media elite that for decades has promoted anti-communism and anti-socialism as a virtual state religion. No faction of the political establishment is advancing a policy that in any way challenges capitalism or the interests of the financial elite. Nor is there yet a mass socialist movement of the working class.
However, there is growing nervousness within this layer over the implications of the capitalist crisis and the potential for mass social opposition to the policies of the ruling class. Thus far, political discussion in the US has been contained within an extremely narrow framework. The diversity of views in the media and on the talk shows encompasses various shades of opinion within the wealthiest one tenth of one percent of the population.
Yet there is an objective logic to developments. At a certain point—sooner rather than later—discussion of policy will escape their tight grasp. The masses of people who are directly affected by the global depression will become involved.
There is a sense within the ruling class itself of an enormous anger building up, which, if unleashed, will assume the form of mass opposition to capitalism directed against the wealth and privileges of the financial elite. They are worried that socialism will then develop not merely as a specter, but as a living political movement embedded in the consciousness of millions of people. And they are right to be worried.
Thoughts, opinions?

- Gentlemenflesh928 - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

We have been close to Socialism for Decades. The Tax structure takes so much from people once they earn over 100K that it becomes very difficult to get to the next level. The rhetoric on taxes is pure myth, but the people keep saying things like "fair share" as if they know what those people pay now. If they did know, they certainly would not use that word. The top 5% pay 40% of the budget now, and the Democrats will certainly make it 50% or more. If that's not Socialism by it's definition, it's certainly not "fair".

Upstate NY has the 2nd highest poverty rate because of enormous taxes to pay for a huge government patronage train. You are better off with a State pension and health care than starting your own business. Meanwhile, the private sector has left (50,000 people in the past decade alone) because they are educated and don't want to work at the DMV. It's a total failure, but the Left keeps power by bribing the poor with all their giveaways. No upward mobility but they are taken care of cradle to grave.

- softsneakers - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM


Actually, it's just you.

- Yankeeboy - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

Pooh! the Rich want to have Socialism so they can become the Undertakers of Socialism. Holloywood has lost its mind as well. They forget that once they become part of a Socialist nation they will be reduced in size to a Stoooge who entertains the Dictator of America.

- - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

Because they (the wealthy elite) are apparently so sheltered and blinded by their wealth that they fail to see how important a well-balanced middle-class is in allowing them the financial stability necessay to retain (and in almost every case) increase that weath. I suspect its that ignorance that is making things worse...but when 85% of the wealthy never earned a penny of it themselves (they did it the old fashioned way, they INHERETED IT) so they don't have a clue about fairness, honesty or actually working hard to earn your keep.

- 60srad - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

Socialism is the only thing that makes crapitalism tolerable for the average person, and that includes small businesses, whether they have the intelligence to admit it or not. Even Reagan, as big an asshole as he was, knew better than to fug with Social Security or Medicare.

- Repuke I - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

The GOP And Bush sought out to DESTORY THE WOKERS

and the unions that protected JOBS

GM outsourced for profits with Bush tax breaks
Mow they want the people they layed off
to buy thier product with tax payers money

ha ha hahhaahah

LEt the Free Market take over GM

ha ha hahah


- Repuke I - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

Maybe they are waking up to the fact that their so called global free market capitalism is unsustainable and is now self destructing. If so they must also realize that the propaganda they have used to maintain their power in the past cannot continue to work. Their anxiety is therefore in exact proportion to their ever increasing inability to control the flow of information and the values that people assign to the information they encounter. Without control of public opinion with what means of control are they left? Brute force can to easily be turned and often does turn against it's masters. They do know their history after all.

- Smudgeward - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

Because free market Capitalism has been collapsing every other generation going way back before the last 2 times: 2010's, 1930's, 1870's and not a lot of people know that. This time the scale is so huge that it may be impossible for the rich and political classes to hold on to their capital so they're hauling out the bogeymen: long dead Osama Bin dead Laden, terrorists disguised as grannies at the airports, Communism and Socialism always together as if they were the same! Would you want to be fantastically rich living in a sea of hungry unemployed people? You gotta feel sorry for them cause they're really quite tasty w. a nice bottle of Chianti and this is all their own fault(s)!

- Warrior - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

I no longer care whether we are capitalists or socialists; I personally have had it with the elites changing the rules every time it is to their advantages. And I believe the longer the masses allow their anger to well up in them, the more difficult the hurdles we will have to clear to end the grip that big business and corrupt politicians have on our world, too.

I have asked people to step out of their homes or businesses or wherever they are on March !4, 2009, US time to scream, "I have had enough." Because the longer we delay making our feelings known about what is happening around us, the worse things are going to become.

I am set financially and I am self-employed, but for me there can be no joy in life until these international bankers and conspirators are brought to justice. If I live 20 more years, I will be amazed. But I will not be amazed if I coped out on my parents and my children by not taking a stand with my neighbors worldwide against this worldwide evil.