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How to get rid of a virus on Twitter? - Printable Version

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How to get rid of a virus on Twitter? - newton5293 - 11-18-2012 01:06 PM

I clicked on a link that some one else had tweeted and it gave me a virus. Now it says i am following 90 something people that i have never heard of before. How do i get rid of it?

- dan - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

im not sure how to delete it try deleteing evry link type message, change your password because this a particular virus that is put to people via other people, it sends links to people, thats how you got it, it started when a cracker or haker decided to check for flaws in tweeters site, they found some in tweeters XSS system and installed their special made virus, but he had to wait until someone logged in to compleltly hack their profile, so when they got on he sent messages to people on the profile account and eventualy you got it in the form of a link.
i researcheed this about 20 minutes bfore i found your question hope this helps

- Glance Tech - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

Here are the step by step instructions to remove Twitter worm:
- Change your password immediately as it has been compromised
- Disable javascript in web browser (for IE or FireFox)
- Clear browser cache and get a Javascript blocker
- Log back into Twitter and delete any messages with "Mikeyy" or "Stalkdaily" in them
- Scan your computer with an antivirus program that can identify remnants of the Twitter worm
This ought to do the trick. Try to avoid web based Twitter profiles as these can be a source of infection. Check your own profile and see if there has been any changes or suspicious activity.
As far as antivirus software there is one I have found which can remove the pieces of the Twitter worm that were not already manually removed. You can scan your computer for free with it below and see what it comes up with.