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Is it unsafe to reuse the same username and password for multiple accounts? - Printable Version

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Is it unsafe to reuse the same username and password for multiple accounts? - groovy_greg23 - 11-18-2012 01:06 PM

Exampel: Let's say I have a Facebook account, Twitter account, 4 email accounts, GameStop, Walmart, Amazon, and lots of other websites I've used in the past. I would have a hard time remembering login information for each one so I would use the same Username and the same Password for every single account.

This would sure makes things a ton easier than it is now, but is it unsafe? What do you suggest?

- lisa - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

I did the same thing and yeah, I did wind up having a problem. My username and password wound up getting compromised...from a boyfriend who has a computer that saves passwords. Then when he was mad at me he had access to EVERYTHING. After that, I use a few different ones, but I have two or three that I use and two or three passwords that I use, so if one doesn't work when I go to log in I know it has to be one or two of the other ones. Since you don't want obvious ones, I use things ATM birthdate year and my zipcode together...perhaps an old locker combination password...maybe an old cell phone number. I always try to have the passwords have some significance so I will remember them.

- vampire9545 - 11-18-2012 01:14 PM

mathmatically i would say it is unles safe than using multiple ones. however, what safer easy knowing ur login info or not remembering if u used this email for this site or that one for this one. I use same screen name but different @addresses for some. and i cycle through 3 passwords, based on how serious i take the site n how serious the site is, also if the site requires the new needs a number,capital letter and !@# ect stuff.

keep in mind, that passWORDS,like pokemon, r more likely to be compromised than say p0k3m0n or n0m3k0p.

the math says,if the system is letters and numbers, the odds r 62^x, x being amount of characters. so a 6 character alphanumeric password would be 1/56,800,235,584, chance of guessing it.