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MY EMAIL GOT HACKED PLEASE HELP? - Clark - 11-18-2012 01:07 PM

My email was hacked. And it says I cant recover it online, I'll have to contact customer service.

So I guess this is the end of my internet life? I mean this email is linked to my facebook, twitter, everything.

Anyone help?

Im using my other email btw.

& no I didnt tell anyone my pass.

- JanetM - 11-18-2012 01:15 PM

Wow, if I didn't think you are probably male, I'd say you are a drama queen. "the end of my internet life". I would hope that there are other things in your life that are a LOT more important that a crappy email account, or the internet for that matter. Those things can be changed with Facebook, Twitter, etc. Some people choose to change email. I switched to a Gmail account, doing away with a Yahoo! account I had for years. The internet as I knew it didn't suddenly come to a screeching halt..

What you should have done here is describe why you think it was hacked. Saying it was hacked doesn't mean that it was. If your contacts are receiving emails from you that you didn't send, it could be your account was hacked... or it could be that you have an email virus that is created to used user's contact lists to send out spam to all on the list.

If your account has been hacked, Yahoo! has a neat thing where you can check to see if any unauthorized parties have logged into your account (I have tried this and it works):

1. In your mail, click "Options"
2. Then "Mail Options" from that list
3. From the list on the left, choose "Account Information" (you will be asked for your password)
4. Then under the "Sign-In and Security" section, click "View your recent login activity".

Once you do that, a list will pop up showing all recent login in activity. You will immediately see anything out of the ordinary. If you do see something, cancelling the account could be your best option:. Before cancelling the account, first create VERY strong password consisting of letters, numbers, symbols, capital letters, etc. Then continue to monitor log-in activity as described above. If you continue to see unauthorized log-in activity, consider creating a new account. Or even consider not using Yahoo! mail for you personal mail. I would recommend Gmail.

More on Malware from Yahoo:

If nothing I've said here is the reason you think/know your account was hacked, I'm done guessing.