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How do you hack a password to get into a website blocked from your computer? - Printable Version

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How do you hack a password to get into a website blocked from your computer? - Claire - 11-18-2012 01:07 PM

My parents blocked facebook and twitter from my laptop at home. Only my dad has the password and he wont tell me. I need a way to get past that so i can get on facebook! Any help?!? (:

- The anti-hacker - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

You could try a proxy, but that wouldn't be very wise because they can log your account details (including your password) when you log in.

A question to ask yourself would be "Why did they block these websites?" and try to think of it from their point of view. Simply hacking a password doesn't change the reason why they won't let you go on the website.

Instead of sneakily going on websites that your parents don't want you to go on, try sitting down with them and explain how you deserve to be able to go on these websites.

- john - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM <<<<< free app