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How essential is it to have a website to advertise a business? - Printable Version

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How essential is it to have a website to advertise a business? - akuafem - 11-18-2012 01:08 PM

I ask this question because of all the cyber-social networking advantages that exist in this day and age. I was wondering if it was so important to have a website. If anyone can give me some feed back would appreciate it.
Thanks everyone for your feedback - much appreciated. I suppose I'd better get cracking with my!

- pokealong1227 - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

It is not extremely important, however.... if you want your business to be well known quickly then it would be a great advantage to you to have your businesses website. Since the web is becoming a source for most people's research and other things(such as shopping), they would probably learn about your business a lot quicker and possibly get there friends to visit your website. The internet is becoming VERY popular so i highly suggest creating a website. However your business should do find without one if you decide not to make one.

- b - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

its not essential, but its unusual not to have a website. A website is "open" when you are "closed"

- Jan409 - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

It really depends on what type of business you have

My son has a computer repair business and most of his customers come via his website
However my husband runs a snack delivery business and gets his customers from cold-calling and has no need for a website at all

A website can be a useful promotional tool for any business but its cost must be taken into account
versus its usefulness

- nechelle - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

It is very important, because a lot of people scan the web. And if they come across your stuff it may be at a late hour and they want more information about your company. Website can do that for you.

- ebizserv - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Social Network will not bring WOW sales - only search engine could bring good traffic. Secondly, you cant trust on social network it may be taken over by someone and they would start charging for services. So it is advisable to have a website to generate traffic and stay away from risk for cost and closure of account in social network site.

- SEOFocused - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

i would say its a must that a business has its own website as a means of promotion. whether it is local or global, each business can use a website one way or another. there are lots of reports where it show that local business that are using Google local map listing increased their revenue by as much as 30%. if you are going global, then you can benefit from a website even more. besides, it is not only in terms of revenue generation. businesses that have their own product or service need to use websites as a means of creating brand awareness and client relation.

- Pulkit Agrawal - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

In today's time having a business and not having a website means like having no shop/office. It is not important, it is necessary to have a website. Do not think twice, just get a website done, it is extremely important.

- Jeff - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

It is ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL that you have a website to advertise your business regardless of the type of business you are in. If you want customers, and you don't have a huge advertising budget, a website is the ideal way to get your company's information / product information to potential buyers. It is available to potential customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, with little to no effort on your part aside from the initial setup and periodic updates. You have the ability to reach a global market, if that benefits your business, in addition to your local market, without any extra cost or effort. It's a pressure-free way for the customer to learn about your business before contacting you and it's easy and convenient for them.