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Canada is ranked within the top nations in economic freedom. Why do some many Americans think we're communists? - Printable Version

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Canada is ranked within the top nations in economic freedom. Why do some many Americans think we're communists? - Vampire Knight - 11-18-2012 01:08 PM

We're ranked within the top nations in terms of economic freedoms and freedom to do business, even with a Liberal government, combining free markets with social responsibility and care for all.

I don't know why so many Americans, especially on the politics board which I visit every so often, label us as "Communists" or "Socialists" when we're not.

- martialmichael126 - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

I'd imagine it's sheer ignorance. Heck here in America people will often call you names without knowing what it really means!

- citricacid - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Because Canada is more liberal, so there is less of a gap between upper and lower class, which can seem like communism. They're not serious about thinking that Canada is communist, just exaggerating.

- Michael C - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Well don't let it bother you whatsoever. *S* I personally attribute it to basically a lack of education as concerns Canada . While some of the U.S.populace may know "pi" and who Byron,Shelly and Keats are etc. etc., they unfortunately are somewhat of an "isolationist" nation and really know nothing about the rest of the world . Sad but true most U.S citizen's know little of some of the other "States of the Union" except their own !

Mention "Health Care" and "Welfare" and we are communists. Canada is more Socialist that the United States and I am quite appreciative of that as we combine Capitalism and Socialism and Liberalism together and it works fine !

Our Banking and Stock markets are controlled a tad better because of this and Canadians enjoy a pretty darn good life ! One example of too much freedom is their use of small arms on the street ...what is that all about..yes I know their Constitution !

Anyway...we are physically right next door to our good neighbors to the South of us ,and I would venture to say that the average Canadian probably knows more about the U.S.A than the average U.S. citizen does of his own country !

As regards their knowledge Canada look at the igloo questions we get in here and whom is our President and how many States are there here ....too funny ! lol

I don't think it will ever change and that's fine by me !

It's great that they study the American Revolution but I think their study of history stops there actually !

Anyway they are actually quite nice people on an individual basis but as a country they certainly are in the dark about the simplest of things a lot of times ....and don't realize that everything in this great big beautiful world is not predicated on what is the norm in the U.S. ! *S*

Now...if I really want to be caddy could I not argue that an example of "Socialism" is when a government hands over a vast sum of money to assist Banks and the market...a point to ponder.

Just my opinion....*S* (Michael C )

- thinkingtime - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

"Communists" and "socialists"are expressions of insult for Americans who value capitalism. Just rudeness,

- Louise - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

They just do.

- Karen C - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Fear and communism have become synonymous down there (started in the 50s with McCarthy) What you can so better than they can they fear. Canada has a better, safer banking system that leads to better, safer economics. What they do not know or understand, they fear and we all know they fear communism to the point of obsession so what better word to use for a label for the Canadian Economic situation.

- Alumnus - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

3 out of 4 of our major political parties are leftist is probably the reason. But then again, why some of us Canadians go south of the border to shop? 17% import tax on goods. Almost everything we buy is Made in China.

- mwdesigncreate - 11-18-2012 01:16 PM

Communists? I've never heard any of my fellow Americans refer to anything about Canada as communist, or communist-like in any way.
Socialist? well you do have more of a socialist type of economic system compared to the capitalism like we have here. I don't think that puts you in the full-on socialist category, but maybe a little more so than ours. Maybe you're just reading to far into it.