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How can I sell home made products in market? - Printable Version

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How can I sell home made products in market? - Nilotpal Das - 11-18-2012 01:08 PM

I am an electronics student in India. I am thinking about earning some money by selling the products that I have created myself in my home, eg. toys, smart lamps, etc. at a very low price.
Can I really do like this. If yes, how should I go about it. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

- Senthil Murugan - 11-18-2012 01:17 PM

First setup your own Website, and do it online marketing like yahoo publisher network, google adword or seo..

- loans in bangalore - 11-18-2012 01:17 PM

create a website upload images of products yahoo webhosting will come around 3k ... if you got knowledge in html u can do yourself ( login to ) ... start bank account people can pay money online ...

- yyyyzz (wise) - 11-18-2012 01:17 PM

Best bet. Take them under your arm and go from door to door. Somewhere, someone, somehow might show more than a passing interest.

- Ajay Shukla - 11-18-2012 01:17 PM

Simply creat ur account on "India mart .com" and enjoy..

- Shyam S - 11-18-2012 01:17 PM

Hi "Big Cat",
Might sound non-motivational, however the fact is that, when one does not get to address you by your name, it is a BIG Turn Off.

Secondly, with the market woken up to branded and tested products, home made electronic gadgets or toys are less of a thing people will take a risk with, especially if its for smaller children.

Thirdly, the best way to start is to test drive the products with at least 60 friends and colleagues and see if they ask you for another. If yes, you have discovered some market. If not, its great for a Gadget Exhibition Project.

Wish you take this constructively.

Thanks and Cheers!

- Amos Clinton - 11-18-2012 01:17 PM

My friend suggested me once about when we were discussing what would be the tips and ideas for a new product.

- Karlaling89 - 11-18-2012 01:17 PM

If you have a homemade product specialty and are looking for extra money, consider selling your item. Hobbies like knitting, baking, jewelry making or sewing lend themselves to product sales.
If your friends and family often compliment your handmade things, or if you often get requests to make them, you are on the right track. With a little marketing, you can earn extra income right away.

1. Determine if there is a market for your items. If your item is one of a kind and solves a need that no one else is meeting, you have a market advantage.

2. Identify the type of person who is interested in your product. Again, tap your social network to see who is most attracted to your item.

3. Find out where your target market shops. Do they purchase things online? Are they bargain shoppers, or do they indulge in luxuries? Once you've answered these questions, you can determine where to sell your product.

4. Decide where to sell your products. Places to market homemade goods include local craft fairs, holiday markets, e-bay and Etsy.

5. Set a price for your item. This is perhaps one of the hardest parts of marketing a homemade product

6. Package your product professionally. This doesn't have to cost a lot of money.

7. Sell your product. If you've decided to sell online, follow the site's directions and always use a photo to generate interest. If you are selling at locations in your community or through word of mouth, set up a selling routine that helps you stay organized and fulfill orders.

8. Provide ongoing marketing support. Use low-cost advertising or get the local paper to write an article for free.