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Please help Im obsessed with One direction!? - Rachel - 10-03-2012 04:44 AM

Okay first of all if your going to hate on me, or the band don't botherr answering. I'm seriously obsessed with them. There like taking over my life. Sometimes I'd rather stay at home stalking there twitter, than going out with friends. I have lots of friends but my life revolves around one direction. I spend hours a day trying to get them to follow me on twitter, and my sleep schedule is messed up becasue I wake up super early just to see there morning tweets and school is starting soon and I need to focas on my education more and less on one direction. of course im still a really big fan and always will be but how can I get back to reality? Thanks Smile no hate!

- mariah - 10-03-2012 04:52 AM

Stop liking a gay boy band, its that simple.

- Allana - 10-03-2012 04:52 AM

Nothing wrong with being dedicated Smile I love one direction too but you just have to sometimes shut off your computer or phone and get out with friends, I'm not sure how to tell you to stop your obsession, but I think there's nothing wrong with it just cut it down a little bit so your sleepings better Smile ONE DIRECTION ARE AMAZAYN!

- Mallory - 10-03-2012 04:52 AM

my sis and bff love them to there fav is harry styles maybe try unfollowing them and getting them to follow you is a real long shot maybe you could make a shrine on your door or in your closet behind your clothes or something my sis has like 8 posters of them and my friends has like 2 but she went to one of their concerts!

- That Guy - 10-03-2012 04:52 AM

Human immunodeficiency virus infection / Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).[1] During the initial infection a person may experience a brief period of influenza-like illness. This is typically followed by a prolonged period without symptoms. As the illness progresses it interferes more and more with the immune system, making people much more likely to get infections, including opportunistic infections, and tumors that do not usually affect people with working immune systems.

HIV is transmitted primarily via sexual intercourse (including oral and anal sex), contaminated blood transfusions and hypodermic needles, and from mother to child during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding.[2] Some bodily fluids, such as saliva and tears, do not transmit HIV.[3] Prevention of HIV infection, primarily through safe sex and needle-exchange programs, is a key strategy to control the disease. There is no cure or vaccine; however, antiretroviral treatment can slow the course of the disease and may lead to a near-normal life expectancy. While antiretroviral treatment reduces the risk of death and complications from the disease, these medications are expensive and may be associated with side effects.

Genetic research indicates that HIV originated in West-central Africa during the early twentieth century.[4] AIDS was first recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 1981 and its cause, HIV, identified in the early 1980s.[5] Since its discovery, it has led to nearly 30 million deaths till 2009,[6] and as of 2010, approximately 34 million people have contracted HIV globally.[7] AIDS is considered a pandemic—a disease outbreak which is present over a large area and is actively spreading.[8]

HIV/AIDS has had a great impact on society, both as an illness and as a source of discrimination. The disease also has significant economic impacts. There are many misconceptions about HIV/AIDS such as the belief that it can be transmitted by casual non-sexual contact. The disease has also become subject to many controversies involving religion.

The majority of HIV infections are acquired through unprotected sexual relations where one partner has HIV.[2] Worldwide, sexual contact between members of the opposite sex, rather than between members of the same sex, result in most cases of transmission.[2] In the United States, as of 2009, most sexual transmission occurred in men who have sex with men[2] with this population accounting for 64% of all new cases.[32]

In high-income countries, the risk of female-to-male transmission is ~0.04% per act and male-to-female transmission is ~0.08% per act.[33] For various reasons, these rates are four to ten times higher in low-income countries with rates of female-to-male transmission at ~0.38% per act and male-to-female transmission at ~0.30% per act.[33] The risk from anal intercourse is ~1.7% per act[33], and while the risk of transmission from oral sex is lower it is still present.[34] Per act risk is estimated at 0–0.04% for receptive oral intercourse.[35] Case reports have documented the acquisition of HIV from receiving oral sex.[36]

Risk increases in the presence of many sexually transmitted infections[37] and genital ulcers.[33] Genital ulcers increase the risk approximately fivefold[33] and there is a lesser increase in risk from STIs such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, and bacterial vaginosis.[35] Rough sex also appears to increase the risk.[38]

The viral load of an infected person is important both in heterosexual and vertical transmission.[39] During the first 2.5 months of an HIV infection a person's infectiousness is twelve times higher due to this high viral load.[35] Where the person is in the late stages of infection rates of transmission are approximately eightfold greater.[33]

Commercial sex exposure impact risk with rates of female-to-male transmission of ~2.4% per act and male-to-female transmission is ~0.08% per act.[33] Sexual assault is believed to have an increased risk of HIV transmission as condoms are rarely employed, physical trauma to the vagina or rectum may occur, and there may be a greater risk of concurrent sexually transmitted infections.[40] The percentage of those who are HIV positive and in jail for sexual assault in the United States is roughly 1%

- Cody - 10-03-2012 04:52 AM

Lay off the electronics or quit twitter for a while or if u cant handle gettin on ask someone to put a password on ur computer and block twitter and delete it

- Nerdy - 10-03-2012 04:52 AM

I think your main problem is Twitter to begin with. So I think you should unfollow them. ALL of them not just the main one direction twitter but each separate person as well. Also unfollow anything else that is one direction related as well. It might be hard at first. but it will get better and when you get back into your regular sleeping schedule and get back into the real world and hanging out with your friends. Maybe then you can follow them again. But remember that school always comes before celebrities. If it ever gets to hard once you refollow them again then unfollow them again.

I hope this helps Smile

- hollisterr12 - 10-03-2012 04:52 AM

You should be able to stop obsessing over One Direction once school starts for you. In order to get your mind off of them more often you should join a sport or a club in school that interests you. It takes not even 5 minutes to look at all of the tweets that One Direction post on Twitter that day. You have all day to research on their Twitter accounts and try to get noticed by them. Other than trying to get noticed by One Direction on Twitter you should figure out ways to meet them instead. When trying to meet the boys you would at least get exercise and a breath of fresh air.

- Darcy - 10-03-2012 04:52 AM

Just realize they're never going to tweet you/follow you/date you/marry you/make babies with you/stare at you during a concert/etc. They only have eyes for each other.

Then again, that may not be effective enough even if it's true.

- Joe - 10-03-2012 04:52 AM

Nothings wrong with that! Just take time off of them and leave twitter for a while. Get active, play a sport, do a hobby, hang out with friends, etc. I like their music too but just don't stalk them and check them out every 20 seconds.