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What is the difference between a classic liberal and a libertarian? - Printable Version

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What is the difference between a classic liberal and a libertarian? - relievedpassenger787 - 11-19-2012 02:01 AM

I understand that it really depends on what you mean by libertarian or classical liberal, its all perspective after all, but is there some general distinction that is agreed upon?

- Rocky Mtn High - 11-19-2012 02:09 AM

Not a thing, one and the same.

The term liberal was hijacked by the left, so we are now Libertarians.

- melodicbed333 - 11-19-2012 02:09 AM

Liberals want Total Govt Control. LIbertarians wants TINY Govt! Big difference!

- The Mad Baron - 11-19-2012 02:09 AM

No difference.

- Boldini rocks! - 11-19-2012 02:09 AM

Libertarians are wishy-washy fence-sitters. And liberals are the guys who founded this nation, and who continue to remind us of what our roots are.

- mammothfifth400 - 11-19-2012 02:09 AM

Liberals are progressive=communist scum.

Libertarians are true Americans a 180 degree difference.

- Chupate esa! - 11-19-2012 02:09 AM

Classic liberals become liberals with experience Libertarians have no experience just theory...

- Tank - 11-19-2012 02:09 AM

Liberals want to spend other peoples money, Libertarians want to keep their money, and spend it how they choose.

- honeybeejim - 11-19-2012 02:09 AM

Limousine Liberals believe in total socialism and Libertarians believe in the U.S.Constitution.

- Entropy - 11-19-2012 02:09 AM

In general, a Classical Liberal (a liberal of the Enlightenment) would, by positions, be most closely related to the modern Libertarian.

The difference is mostly context. A Liberal of those days was arguing against an aristocracy and monarchy. Therefore one cannot say with complete confidence that a classical liberal would embrace modern libertarianism because he had no cause to express his positions on abortion or other modern issues. But the Classical Liberal favored limited government, diffuse power, individual liberty, and free markets.

One usually excludes Republicans for two reasons: Republicans are more hawkish on defense issues (classical liberals feared standing armies), and tend to favor government power to enforce social norms which classical liberals would have balked at, not because they disliked social norms, but the idea of giving the govt the power to enforce them would have terrified a classical liberal..

Update: Wow, looking at some of the answers on this question, I am APALLED at how many people don't understand the difference between a Classical Liberal and a Modern Liberal.