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How can I get more followers on Twitter? - Printable Version

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How can I get more followers on Twitter? - Bob Chancy - 11-19-2012 02:01 AM

I am just using it for fun. What's the best way to get followers??

- Guha Pappa - 11-19-2012 02:10 AM

you are so attractive

- Hannah - 11-19-2012 02:10 AM

ok, sorry for the long answer, but...

there's this website called twit club>>>
what you do is you join a group, and follow people. once you follow people, they automatically follow you, guaranteed! once some else joins the group, they will follow you and you will automatically be following them. what you can do is follow a bunch of people, and then unfollow them. they will still be following you (isnt it great? lol) also, if you no longer want to be automaticly following people, you can go to setting>applications and then find twit club and revote twitclub's access, so you will no longer be in the group. (you can always rejoin after words, its no biggie)

even if you only decide to follow a few people, you'll still get more followers because thier followers might follow you as well!!

plz follow me? i'll follow back Wink (Promise, just remind me.)