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How can I advertise for my house cleaning business? - Printable Version

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How can I advertise for my house cleaning business? - poetgirl - 11-19-2012 02:02 AM

I've done flyers, I've done craigslist and AJC it's nice when I actually the work. People will pay big money for the work if I advertise right. What is a good way to reach hundreds of people even if i get just a clients.

I have about 3 or 4 regulars right now.

- Craig M - 11-19-2012 02:10 AM

Newspaper ad.

- G N A - 11-19-2012 02:10 AM

Google Places or Yahoo Local. Create an ad just like you did on Craig's list but enter your specific city location (not your home address, use a cross street). Then go to Angie's List and get listed. You won't pay anything for placing your ad.

Next make up some really cheap, black and white business cards and have your url for each place put on the back of them. You can also add the URLs for your online ads on your brochures and flyers.

Have your past customers go to the links and post a review about your service, helps get you more exposure. Might want to offer a 'bribe' - half off their next cleaning for referring a new customer after their first cleaning. Couldn't hurt to try.

- Sandi - 11-19-2012 02:10 AM

Ask to leave flyers/brochures/business cards at Real Estate Agents or better still try and pick up regular work through them by cleaning up rental properties when tenants vacate and try to get a contract with them (good money). You might also look at cleaning local small offices (floors, sinks, toilets) on a weekly basis and maybe dusting blinds etc. Some places will let you clean when they first open on a Monday morning or closing on a Friday so the hours are not too early or late. Have a price list written out on a flyer and deliver to reception rather than mail boxes. Even ask to see the manager. Hope this helps.

- Morgan Pfefferle - 11-19-2012 02:10 AM

You should try doing some social media. Social media is a marketing tool that generates real customers. Start a facebook fanpage, Twitter account with tweets about your business, linked in, blogger, flickr, squidoo. These are all sites you should get your cleaning company on and take the time daily to do updates. It wont be long for you to start seeing some real results.
For more information on social media feel free to ask at