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Is Andrew Breitbart a despicable human being? - Crasht - 11-19-2012 02:02 AM

First the Shirley Sherrod tapes that he maliciously edited to make her seem like a racist and ruined her career and then it was found out that Shirley Sherrod was speaking about the exact opposite of what Breitbart made it seem like.

Now he is attempting to smear Anthony Weiner.

Why would anyone believe that Anthony Wiener is dumb enough to send a picture of his bulging underwear to a 21 year old on Twitter. You can't send a private message on Twitter but the moron Republicans who don't know how to use the internet much less Twitter don't understand that, everyone who saw the tweet most likely a few hundred probably figured out pretty quickly that his Twitter was hacked.

Anthony Wiener is a sitting congressman with aspirations of higher office most likely mayor of NYC though I would vote for him for President in a second. There is no way he is dumb enough to post that picture.

The reason Anthony didn't outright deny that it was him was that it might have been him, the person that hacked into his Twitter probably got onto his computer, looked through his files and found that picture, maybe he took it cause he was trying to be a little flirty with his wife and had it on his computer, either way it was consensual, Fox News probably doesn't get that that's what people do now adays, and it's not illegal. The hacker took the opportunity saw that he was following a 21 year old girl and sent it to her.

Andrew Breitbart like the liar he is took his opportunity to smear Anthony Weiner, this is the same guy that maliciously edited the Shirley Sherrod tapes to make her seem like a racist, it's surprising anyone listens to that liar.
If anything this points out a glaring flaw in Twitter's security system, this is definitely not the first time Twitter has been hacked into, if the hacker directly went into Twitter to take a hold of Anthony Weiner's account and posted a random photo from the internet.

The only people that believe this are the blind followers of Fox News and Breitbarts fans who don't know anything about the internet.
@Primo Typical sheep huh? What does Anthony have to gain from sending a 21 year old the picture?

I assume you're just trolling.
@People asking why he would have a picture like that

Some people like to be a little flirty sometimes, people send dirty pictures, a lot of times they want to add a little more excitement to their love life, they're doing it privately and it's certainly not illegal to send a naughty picture to your wife.

I'm not arguing that it's silly for a high profile congressman to keep that in their hard drive where a hacker could get to it(which they did) but Anthony did nothing wrong or illegal, the hacker is the one to blame for all of this.

We don't even know if it is Weiner it could just be a photo online that the person found and put it on his Twitter.

- Fight da NWO DERP - 11-19-2012 02:11 AM

He is consheeple herder #1

- sir. huntsalot - 11-19-2012 02:11 AM

Really? Typical bigot

- Dharma - 11-19-2012 02:11 AM

it's 2011, anyone running for anything has to be especially careful about what they say, do, think or post to the internet. once its out there, it doesn't matter who it was intended for, its just a matter of time before its viral.

- CrotchItchBites - 11-19-2012 02:11 AM

Liberal hypocrisy is amazing

- Primo - 11-19-2012 02:11 AM

Stop definding Weiner MORON. He sent it himself. He avoids the question like the Plauge. Grow up and open your eyes

- Huh? - 11-19-2012 02:11 AM

I think you are giving Breitbart more respect then he deserves, you called him a human being.

- ElwaytheCat - 11-19-2012 02:11 AM

Breitbart is a malicious moron that can't be trusted when it comes to journalism, or anything else apparently.

- Foghorn - 11-19-2012 02:11 AM

Breitbart is performing a valuable public service.

You are lying about the Sherrod video and even Tingles Mathews says so.

Weiner is lying and everyone knows it. He should have come up with a better story but it's too late now.

You'd think that these idiot congresspeople would learn that when using a phone or computer treat every item as if it will be posted on the headlines of all media.

- Moose - 11-19-2012 02:11 AM

I am neither a watcher of FOX news or a Breitbart fan, but you have your head buried in the sand if you think Mr Weiner isn't dumb enough to send a picture of himself to someone on twitter. Why on earth does he have a picture of himself somewhere that could be comprimised by a hacker anyway? That alone tells me he isn't very bright.