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I've never had a boyfriend & really want one!!! Advice? - Printable Version

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I've never had a boyfriend & really want one!!! Advice? - miley - 10-03-2012 04:52 AM

Ok, so I know when I say my age you'll be like you're too young blah blah blah. Ok I get that. But seriously... so many girl's I know have boyfriends & they're like people that no one really likes. Not trying to be mean but it's kinda true like they'll just plain annoying. & here I am I've never been asked out or never had a boyfriend! Idk what's wrong with me... I mean I am kinda shy I guess around guys but when I like a guy I do flirt with them & usually am friendly when the guy starts talking to me first. I guess all my life I've thought I'd just creep a guy out for just randomly talking to them because I have to lowest self confidence. But anyways... I don't even have like any guy friends! Idk what it is but I'm just not someone guys want to be around? I have no clue... if you want you can look me up on twitter @allisonboggs I have some pics of myself on there... but seriously I want a boyfriend but just can't seem to get one also homecoming dance is coming up & it's girls ask guys so I know I'm not gonna ask a guy... I'm a freshman btw...

Please don't hate! I will seriously not listen to the you have a whole life ahead of you thing because I've heard that enough I get it! I just want a boyfriend or at least a guy friend! That might boost my confidence at least a little... so what should I do? How can I make guy friends? A boyfriend? IDK! HELP PLEASE!?(: Thanks(:
& I don't want a boyfriend for the making out & the sex... I'm seriously not like that...
Also I'm 14 almost 15 this October

- Dave - 10-03-2012 05:00 AM

i want a girlfriend. unfortunately im not what women are looking for. you may not be what guys are looking for. you won't creep a guy out talking to a guy you don't know because we get excited that we might have sex.

- Lex. - 10-03-2012 05:00 AM

Just try to like flirt with guys and stuff. Give them hints that you like them. Ask them for their numbers and text them. Be silly.. they'll love it haha It's pretty simple. And just because you've never been asked out doesnt mean that no guys like you. They might just be nervous around you or something. THey might not ask you out because they are afraid they'll get rejected.

- Sue - 10-03-2012 05:00 AM

just be yourself and show confidence guys like girls with confidence and think of something you like that guys like too and then talk to them about it

answer mine please;_ylt=ArslgrKTa2CMheaB16RQg_fty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120918172015AAhlVN4

- Ami I - 10-03-2012 05:00 AM

I'm 19, I'll be 20 next year, and I JUST started a relationship this month! People always thought that was SO weird, that I was 19 years old and I never had had a boyfriend and never even went on a date. But you know what... When the right guy comes along, chances are, he will contact you, he will want your attention! And another piece of advice, show some confidence in yourself! Guys like girls that like themselves! My boyfriend LOVES the fact that I'm totally cool with the way I look, make-up or no make-up!
Don't worry about it. Just show some more confidence in yourself, give yourself some love, and others will love you back! Smile Good luck!

- The grid - 10-03-2012 05:00 AM

Haha Miley you're motto young at all. I am a junior in high school. Hers the thing if every boy you talk to you try to flirt and make him like you it will never work. You got to make guy friends first. So all the guys you flirt with become friends with them. Try not to like any of them. And don't assume because they are talking to you or texting you they like you. When you get to know them well enough. You will probably have a crush.then flirt and see where it goes it will probably end with you having a boyfriend.

A lot of girls think that one day a boy is just going to go up to them and ask them out. Not the real deal and if they do the relationship will last like 2 weeks at most.

Good luckSmile

- The grid - 10-03-2012 05:00 AM

i'm a freshman and i've never had a boyfriend. just treat guys kindly and get to know them. you'll eventually find someone..

- James - 10-03-2012 05:00 AM

Make friends with girls who are friends with guys. Then hang out with them and their guy friends and sooner or later you will have lots of guy friends. That's how I get to know girls.

- Lexi Brown - 10-03-2012 05:00 AM

@Lex: She already said that! She's 14; 15 in October.

And I just looked at your Twitter and you are beautiful! I just wanna say never give up! If you go to a public school, then start talking to a guy that you like and try to act like a friend towards him. When you two are more close (idk if I said that right Tongue) then tell him your true feelings.

All I'm saying is, don't be too pushy, or they'll think you're a stalker or whatever.

Good Luck!!

Please answer mine!!;_ylt=Ar2V8TbgkOuQtbU7sRKg.6vsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120917172057AAYB4nQ