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Aren't those Christian militants in Michigan most likely from the Religious Left? - Printable Version

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Aren't those Christian militants in Michigan most likely from the Religious Left? - MSNBC-Pravda - 11-19-2012 02:08 AM

With the likes of Rev. Wallis, Jackson and Sharpton? People who preach about social justice and evolution-denial, not free markets and individual liberties? They were from Michigan after all, which is one of the bluest of blue states; if they came from Idaho or Texas I might be willing to concede that would probably be conservatives.

- Lawgirl - 11-19-2012 02:17 AM

No, they are most likely a fringe group, and to try to tie them with either the left or the right is pathetic and simple minded.

- ElDuderino - 11-19-2012 02:17 AM

hahahaha no. Timothy McVeigh ring any bells? He was many things, but a leftest is not one of them. Rev. Al may be a douche, but he's never called his followers to "wage war, against the United States". Nice try.

- Twits for Liberty! - 11-19-2012 02:17 AM

do you carry that special Palin gene; the one that makes a person retarded?

- Unka Dano - 11-19-2012 02:17 AM

Cracks me up how they extol freedom and liberty while denying gay marriage in the same breath.
Will they ever demonstrate something so people can take them seriously?

"We liberals would like to make a proposition to our conservative friends, if you don't pray in my schools then we won't think in your churches" –Unka Dano

- real answers - 11-19-2012 02:17 AM

the left preaches evolution-denial? whoa

- Profoundnotebook834 - 11-19-2012 02:17 AM

I doubt it since they were like white thus a different denomination

- helpful hank - 11-19-2012 02:17 AM

not likely christian militants are almost exclusively conservative.

- Yes Massa - 11-19-2012 02:17 AM

Those white supremacists all follow Jackson, Sharpton, and Wright.
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Those idiots are pure right wing Christian, own up neocon.

- Catherine B - 11-19-2012 02:17 AM

You have obviously never been to Michigan, nor done a moment of research on militias. You do get points for trolling, though.