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How is vector marketing a scam when i just got a job there and the demo kit was FREE? - Printable Version

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How is vector marketing a scam when i just got a job there and the demo kit was FREE? - DeAsia - 11-19-2012 02:13 AM

They also didnt make us pay for training. They said they had people pay for all of that in the past but now they started doing it for free. The only way you would have to pay for the kit was if you lost or damaged it. So tell me... How is it a scam?

- :)Tina(L) - 11-19-2012 02:22 AM

that's exactly what happened to me...

- James Liebeman - 11-19-2012 02:22 AM

I dont know but it seems lot of people are relating vector marketing to scam. I guess what would happen is at the end of training you would be asked to sell something and you fail. This is just my prediction as most of the scams end up in something like that. Big Grin

- Nathan - 11-19-2012 02:22 AM

It's not necessarily referred to as a scam because of any malicious intent - or immediate cheating or robbing from people; but it may be called a scam because of it's setup like a pyramid 'scam', or since it used to require an initial investment which is a 'scam' in it's own right. both of which can be methods to make some money but not necessarily with ease or substance.

It's really hard to find a work-from-home-online job that isn't a pyramid scam or an investment scam or something of the sort. Especially if you have to purchase anything to start. These scams are cropping up all over the internet and can be malicious, or at least, not at all worth the time.

Check out the social justice site to find out about scams - and if you end up getting scammed yourself make sure to post a claim on the site to help warn the public, and get social justice from dangerous enterprises. It is possible for the public to hold these companies accountable through social justice sites and responsible proactive consumer practices.

Good luck