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Which would be a more beneficial hobby, writing or photography? - Printable Version

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Which would be a more beneficial hobby, writing or photography? - Tristy[Gn] - 11-19-2012 02:19 AM

I have lots of free time as I had just graduated. Im planning on taking up a hobby and cannot decide which. It is between writing and photography. I love both of them, but which will benefit me more. For social wise, photography as I can take photos while walking with loved ones, but is it really beneficial? Or is writing a better choice?
I have a DSLR already

- Juliette - 11-19-2012 02:28 AM

Well photography is definitely the more expensive one compared to a pen and paper, so if you are that dedicated and want to buy a nice camera and lenses then you should do photography. I am not sure what you mean by beneficial because both are art forms that you can express yourself in, so you should pick the one that lets you express your emotions more freely Smile

- vtelaos66 - 11-19-2012 02:28 AM

By beneficial, do you mean financially or self-fullfiling? Why not do both? You could make like a coffee table book with pictures and captions telling about the pix. It would be a lot of fun and something to show off!

- Hrēodbēorð - 11-19-2012 02:28 AM

Since you enjoy both just as much, it depends on one real point: at which are you better? Actually, considering the potential for improving your skills in photography if that is your lesser talent, photography is without a doubt the better way to go because of the greater market and ease of selling.

But I think you should consider combining the two. Specialty magazine writing is the easiest genre for writers because of the outrageous variety of publications (everything from fly-fishing to soldiers of fortune). You can pick your area, develop a story idea, pitch it to the editor of an appropriate magazine, and chances are good he or she will at least give you a shot at it.

Speaking of shots, magazine writers are expected to be photojournalists, so you would have to do both and be paid for both.

Get a "Writer's Market" online or in print.