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What are your ideas for solutions around helping our generation's effort to end extreme poverty in the world? - Printable Version

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- CHERYL S3 - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

Tell all the fat greedy people in the world, that they should show compassion and share.
lower the inflated prices of pharmaceuticals, and medical care for old and disabled people, restrict the illegal immagrants so they will not use the funds we need to feed and help the legal americans.
Give to your church and take advantage of tax deductions and have yard sales and donate to Goodwill.
randome acts of kindness daily, prevent rediculous law suits, make everyone pay school tax and county tax, not just home owners,
when an animal dies on the road (in the winter), give it to poor for food.
Give people kits to filter gas/oil so they can use old used McDonald's oil for their cars...
volunteer in your community and look out for your neibors..
buy from your local venders and farmers instead of an American vehicle.
read labels of everything you buy and make sure they don't catch fish with nets, use animals for testing, ubuse animals in processing, abuse human rights for the workers in their factories, and buy from the murchants who donate to causes, buy from the local fire company BBQ instead of going to a Berger King,.
Teach YOUR children and tutor them in their schoolwork, know the teachers, know the kids friends, keep them home especially at night, save for their college early (at birth). Plan parenthood, teach abstinence, Preventing uneducated ignorance enables more world leaders, activists, and great minds to find answers for change...don't let them fall into drugs and drop out.
Poverty is from (I believe) imbalance and ignorance.
If we are all educated and aware of the world around us we all can do many things to help the world so there will be no poverty.
We need to keep the rich from getting richer and allow the poor and the middle class to profit from their hard work and not be used and abused. People need to know that if they do not follow the guidelines of morality, we will not buy from them. then people in other parts of the world will work and earn a good wage, jobs will be available for everyone and at prices affordable and the resources of the world will not be wasted.
We can pick apples in the yard and animals will be available in the wild and in the waters, pollution will clear up eventually, and the world can flourish. we all volunteer and help eachother, churches will have funding, and can help when we can't, and compassion will grow.
why don't all the filthy rich people like Trump use their private jets to ship some food overseas to people who starve?
we spent TRILLIONS of dollars killing people in the war over terrorism, if the war is necessary..... then it SHOULD be illegal to profit by it.....especially if there is a conflict of interrest...Mr Bush who did not bother to control the fuel prices.....
I educate, donate, and volunteer daily and so do my children who are vegetarians...(this may not be for all people, but this is what I chose to do and my children made their own mind to not eat meat.) I eat chicken all the time....they were tired of eating meat that was not killed right and the thaught of it being dead for a week, before they ate it, made them sick...fresh live chickens go into a chicken factory...out comes the electronicly deboned chicken franks...think about it.
what about the sports men and women who make 7 Million dollars a year! will you miss one?
I believe in Democracy and those who work hard should be paid more and usually we work years till we pay for our college, anyway there should be a moral responsability to go with higher income. If you are in charge or people under you...wouldn't you be sure they were treated fairly? paid fairly? I would.
I asked a woman who needed a job if she would clean for me and she said yes. I work a lot and I support 5 people, I need some help. I am not married either. She said she would work for 8 dollars an hour. I knew she had 5 children and could not speak English well. I knew the house cleaners make $15 an hour around my home...I told her I would pay her $15 an hour. she was a good help to me and I also helped her...this is responsable Democracy. when I had something I did not want anymore or did not need, I offered it to her free...and when my vaccuum cleaner broke, she fixed it free. Her daughter needed shoes and wore my daughters size. when my daughter went to Europe, many of her new and used clothes were given to Svetlana.
When you see someone hungry, do you offer them food? my children have given their food to others many times. when they were small we would go to McDonalds and homeless people would beg. they would order and then give their food to the homeless people..and then we would go home and eat...inside I was proud of them...I did it on purpose. I let them choose to give it away.
One Christmas we descided to give gifts to an illegal Mexican boy who had no father and had no shoes to wear to school. The kids all got only one small gift but we shopped for two weeks for the boy and his mother and grandmother who worked in the fields 7 days(all day) each week.
The kids are 18, 20, and 27 now and they still say that was the best christmas we ever had.
I took them to a soup kitchen on Thanksgiving one time to eat their turkey dinners...they had heartache and ate with smelly and dirty people...when we left they were quiet...a few days later they could not stop talking about things they wanted to do to daughter made Tshirts to sell for $10 each and benefits went to the soup kitchen. My son said he felt like no one is better than anyone. The other son descided he was going to volunteer for the boys and girls club nearby so he could tutor children who had no father, to be an example for them.
thanks for letting me share.

- Piffle - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

Two words

Fair Trade

The reason being that if one half of the world is poor, the other half must be pretty rich. People enjoy being rich and are often only concerned with getting richer.

In order to get the richer half to provide for the poor half, an incentive needs to be provided. Trade is something that excites everyone. There are many materials and even services that can be traded fairly, as right now the most trade is not fair at all.

So yes, its Fair Trade.

- ahmadaa85 - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

I have a system that I will suggest.
Any person who saves more than the worth of 40 grams of gold in one whole year pays 2.5% of his money "savings". If each person does this, including rich people, the poverty problem will be put to an end.
It is a small fraction of each persons fortune which we give to the needy people such as poor, orphans, etc.

Lets say, for example, that there is a person who could save $10000 for one whole year. Using this system he will pay only $250 a year and forget any other charity after this. If we say that 1000000 individuals did that we will have 250*1000000=$250000000. Which I think will make some difference.

This is called "Alzakah". It is the third pillar of Islam's main five pillars.

- person u dont know - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

In some countries, two dollars is a lot. You can make water filtering straws for 7 cents. CHEAPO

- marrying_buddha - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

eradicate graft and corruption in all governments around the world.

- Aaron A - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

Impeaching Bush
Disbanning and outlawing multinational corporations
Alternative energy sources
attacking the arrogance, ignorance, and greed of businesses

- Smudgeward - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

Conquer religion, encourage birth control.

- serpeanta - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

Nothing. There are too many people and not enough supplies.

- Alag N - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

increase the value of money two to three fold for those who would earn from such strata. in a couple of years there should be some equality!

- Allie - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

I know that this will sound cruel to some people, but think about it: how many stray cats and dogs are put to sleep every year in this country? Millions, right? And how many cultures around the world consider cats and dogs to be okay to eat?

I think that if we were to send (healthy) strays that were going to be put down anyways to starving countries, we could solve a few problems at once: starving people would have a source of meat, and we wouldn't have the pet overpopulation problem. It might be hard to organize, but it would help a lot of people too.

It's not exactly an answer to poverty, but it would help a lot of people who either can't afford food or don't have any available.