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What are the key points in the Republican plan to reduce the deficit? - Printable Version

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What are the key points in the Republican plan to reduce the deficit? - Hgldr - 11-19-2012 02:29 AM

I'm not asking, "Can ignorant people write nonsense here on Yahoo Answers?" I already know that's true. I'm looking for actual good points in the Republican plan.
Any replies like, "all democrats are stupid", or "all republicans are stupid" will be deleted because these aren't answers at all.
thanks Nita5267. At least I'm getting some solid responces. I believe abortion for illegal immigrants, or any unborn child for that matter, is wrong. But the question is, how is that going to reduce the huge deficit?

- Billy Blaze - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

The Republican "plan," if you want to call it that, is to make massive cuts across the board of social services. They also want to cut taxes for the rich and for corporations under the belief that this will increase economic activity and thus increase revenue.

The thing is, they've been in power for most of the last 30 years, and they didn't do any of these things. So who can believe them now?

- volleyballchick - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

Personally, all that I've heard is they will cut taxes and spend on military. But if I am recalling correctly, that is what got us into the current mess we are in (at least in part).

I have yet to hear the actual plan on anything. I have been asking for a long time, and all I get is that the way it is currently being done is wrong. They don't wish to share their award-winning plan.

I am starring this so I can see what others say, and maybe someone will FINALLY give me an answer.

- nita5267 - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

Start producing more oil & gas here in the states, other than sending our money & unearned tax dollars overseas, thereby bringin extra jobs & tax dollars into the US.
Don't support healthcare for abortions or illegal immigrants.
Don't reward those who can work but will not.

- Art - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

Last 30 years, hey billy, didnt know clinton was a republican.The GOP wouldnt stop bush's tax cut that all of us got, just not the rich. They would halt most expenditures. They would cut taxes again. The GOP has 3 or 4 really good ideas that would drive down health costs. They would stop the cap and trade bill because if that passes, this whole country is screwed.They would drill oil in this country to make us more independent from the middle east and I think they would like to start up nuclear power as well.That would be start I think

- justagrandma - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

Their plan is essentially the same one that Bush put forth, reduce taxes on business, reduce oversight of financial markets, and cut government spending in anything except the military.
This is supposed to stimulate the economy, which will then hire more people. Which will lead to increased revenue to pay for the wars and all the other things that still have to be paid for.
Given that we have incontrovertible proof in the present economy that resulted from those practices that they do not work, you would think there would be at the very least a rethinking on the part of Republicans about the wisdom of continuing on that path.

If we are talking saving money, the cost of funding elective abortions is not only miniscule, but saves money in the long run since any woman qualifying for federally funded abortion would already be on welfare, which would mean that both her and her baby would be on welfare for some time. If a person can't figure out that one on their own, you begin to understand why we can't expect a logical solution any time soon.

- The Federalist - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

There are a few plans out there....Paul Ryan's plan is the one garnering the most attention called "Ryan's Roadmap"

His plans is made up of numerous parts....For healthcare he plans to implement free market solutions for healthcare ....i.e. tort reform, allowing interstate insurance shopping, and reforming medicare.

Reforming medicare, social security and medicaid.....Liberals act as though these programs are the foundation of our government but they are actually bankrupting it.....60 trillion in obligations are owed out by the three programs and all three funds are essentially bankrupt....they are empty because the government spends the money as soon as it gets it instead of investing it like it is supposed to.

Ryan wants to privatize social security so that bureacrats don't stand between you and your retirement income....They take 7.5% from us every week and 7.5% from our employer to supposedly put into a government managed 401(k) but they don't do that....His plan would keep the FICA deduction of 7.5% but instead of bureacrats managing the would yourself.

He wants to structure entitlements like the TARP bailout......Welfare was supposed to be structured like an emergency loan it is a lifestyle.....if you structure it so that people want to get off the teet and pay it back ASAP (LIKE THE BANKS DID WITH THE TARP FUNDS) then it limits peoples dependency, creates self reliance and in turn bolsters the economy.

Roll back average median tax rates to below 18% of gross domestic product.....Right now under Obama tax rates are at 21% of GDP....When he allows the Bush tax cuts to expire it will bump up to 24%...History has shown that anytime our government imposes taxes over 18% of GDP our economy either retracts or becomes sluggish....whenever tax rates have fallen below 18% we have seen our nations biggest economic boom era's (aka the roaring 20's, the baby boomers and the 1980's) With economic growth will come larger tax revenue to pay down debt.

Cut spending and submit balanced budgets.....It will take many decades of balanced budgets to dig us out of this hole, but if congress enacted a balanced budget amendment we would slowly start building annual surpluses towards paying down our monstrous mega trillion dollar debt.

There are more in the road map but I can't think of them right now.....this is definitely a good start, but the liberal media would mobilize and attack such a plan with a vehemence unlike any you have seen.....

Remember in 2005 George W. Bush started work on privatizing social security....which is essentially putting people in charge of their own money instead of bureacrats.....He was annihilated by the entire liberal media mechanism.....All he was proposing was that Washington get out of the way....If I have 15% of my income deducted from my paycheck, then I manage how that money is invested and I manage the account...IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE MY RETIREMENT ACCOUNT...But for taking such a "backwards regressive" stance.....he was attacked on all sides, slandered, humiliated and excoriated....go figure eh? People still hate Bush and they don;t know why....but his two biggest proposals domestically were the 2001 tax cut which gave breaks top to bottom.....If you made 150K a year, you gotta tax break if you made 25k a year, you got a tax break....and he proposed getting Washington out of peoples social security money.....But no one remembers that....all they remember is Iraq.....Iraq Iraq Iraq...Cronyism, Cronyism, Cronyism....

- gomanyes - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

I don't think they have one. They say that their plan is to cut wasteful government spending and administrative expenses, but that is not going to amount to much. I think they are simply talking about reducing the deficit for political gain.

- John R - 11-19-2012 02:37 AM

the republicans have zero credibility on the topic of fiscal responsibilty....86% of the current deficit is the responsibilty of GWB and his inept 8 year presidency......71% of the deficit GWB left to Obama was the result of our unjustfied invasion of Iraq...chasing down Hussein's imaginary WMD's.

warren buffet has endorsed obama's tax policy and stimulus spending...warren buffet knows more about economics and tax policy...than beck or limbaugh or boehner could could learn in 100 lifetimes.

what glenn beck knows about economics ....could fit into the reservoir tip of a condom