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How can i get popular on youtube? - Printable Version

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How can i get popular on youtube? - sugadaddystyles - 11-19-2012 02:30 AM

Hey (: Me and my friends like making videos but we want them to become more popular and viewed.
---> our channel.
im not advertising? and yeah i didnt ask to get hate on my videos so whoever did, keep that to yourself.

- Lone Wanderer - 11-19-2012 02:38 AM

Don't advertise on yahoo answers

- thatonedinosaur - 11-19-2012 02:38 AM

Post them as video responses to relating topics/genres of the video(s) you make Big Grin

Do things that you might think that people are interested in these days Smile

- david b - 11-19-2012 02:38 AM

To get popular on youtube you have to do something people will tune in to see. The Epic Meal Time people, for example, eats insane amounts of food for the viewer's enjoyment (and money). You gotta do something people find interesting, crazy, weird, etc.

- Metalllama - 11-19-2012 02:38 AM

Post your videos as responses to other popular videos. Put lots of tags. Have all your friends watch them multiple times to raise the # of views so they are easier for people to find. Good luck!

- Addison Young - 11-19-2012 02:38 AM

Just give them some time to get some views. After a while, your videos will get spread around more, and get you more views.

- Ace - 11-19-2012 02:38 AM

You could put it on social events on facebook or on other sites.

- Sizzle - 11-19-2012 02:38 AM

It really is quite simple to get more views and subscribers.

Descriptions are very important to because they give the user information about your video. Make sure that you place an accurate description about your video, as it maximizes views.

Keywords, or "tags" are the biggest part of your video because when someone searches something, if any of the words they searched are in your video tags then your video will show up in the search! There are many tools that can help you decide your keywords, "Google Suggest" gives you keywords when you start typing.

Make sure that the quality of the video is good, too. If your video is terrible quality it is a pain to the eyes and people wont want to watch it.

YouTube friends can get you more subscribers and views and they'll keep coming back. Just go around channels, being friendly and sending loads of friend requests, because when someone gets a friend request, they will usually check out the channel and maybe subscribe!

After uploading, use the share button to post your video on social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Post bulletins to send to all of your friends, and post video responses to popular videos.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

- Glenn Ratcliffe - 11-19-2012 02:38 AM

Getting your channel/video's viewed is all about content, presentation and networking.

To get views you need:
a) Good content.
b) Good 'tag' words. The more the better (Youtube dose have an upper limit on the number though).
c) A good video description.
d) A good network of friends and subscribers.
e) Getting 'Likes'.
f) Don't forget to 'Share' your video's and 'Post a Bulletin' to your friends.
g) Video respond with your videos.

So, good content is the hard one. There are no rules, but try to be original, or stick to a theme, or both. Here's an example. Have a look at this:
The trick is to engage your viewer from the start, and keep them watching till the end. Hard to get your video 'Liked', if it's not watched in total.

Tagging your video with as many of the right words is very important. People find your video's with these 'Tags'. Use many tags.

Always do a full, and detailed description of your video (this will help when Google 'crawls' for videos). Provide links as needed.

Make friends. Reach out to other similar channels, and [Add Friend]. Offer Sub4Sub to increase your subscribers.

Double check your editing (smooth transitions, clean/even audio, ECT) before uploading. Sloppy editing on your videos, effect your chances of getting 'Likes'. Remember too 'Like' your own video (people in your network will see this, and be only one click away from watching your video).

After uploading:
Use the [Share] button, to put your video's on FaceBook/Twitter/MySpace/ETC.
On your channel, use the [Post Bulletin] to send your video (with a message) to all your friends.

Post video response to your own video's. Seach for videos similar to your own, and then post your video's as a response.

Multiple views:
Thought should be given to your channels appearance (back ground, colour scheme, play list's, profile wording, ect). A nicely designed channel will encourage your visitors to stay and watch more video's.

If you visit random pages and comment. People will see your avatar (one click, and there at your page), and have a link to you. Be careful of spamming. Some people get very upset.

Hope this helps

- Rubix Cube♥ - 11-19-2012 02:38 AM

Promote your videos by telling everyone and posting links. Include a good title, description and lots fo good tag words. Post lots of comments and videoresponses on popular videos so people can find your channel.