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Whats the best way to market a film? - Printable Version

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Whats the best way to market a film? - Fillece - 11-19-2012 02:30 AM

Could you guys tell me whats the best way to market a film if you had a lot of money. and how to market a film when you have little to no money.

- Martin - 11-19-2012 02:39 AM

with money:
a good trailer in TV / theaters
good poster in magazine / newspaper

no money:
spam the internet

- Michelle - 11-19-2012 02:39 AM

Marketing a Film if you have a lot of money:

.Stars of the film and the director giving interviews on television, and also sites such as yahoo and aol.

.Putting the trailers onto tv, cinema and the internet.

.Finding various ways to attract the audiences attention, something that is different. I cant remember which film it was but they had drawn the logo for it onto a large piece of rock in the middle of the sea.

.Creating posters and selling merchandise for that film (think twilight and pirates of the caribbean).

. If the film is based on a book, then having a special edition of the book with the characters from the film on the front cover.

. Press conferences around the world.

. Press Junkets

.Preview Screenings

.Film Festivals

. Giving interviews to a film magazine or any magazine really!

.A teaser poster first, give a few key elements of the film to attract the audiences attention. It will have a unique selling point, something that is different from all the other type of posters.

Marketing a film with little money:

.Create posters, take an image from the film and add it to the poster, make sure it stands out, and then distribute around the area that you live, upload it to various sites across the internet, mainly film sites, and forums.

.Create a trailer and upload to youtube.

.Try to get the film across to various sources, try and get it mentioned on local radio stations, national radio stations such as BBC Radio 1, if this does not work, don't give up!

.Create a fan page or group on sites such as facebook. Create a twitter page and myspace page especially for the film!

.Use a free create your own website site, such as

.If you can, ask your local art centre, or some type of entertainment place in your town/city/village if they can screen your film there.

.Advertise in the local paper.