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Why do people insist on having the government solve all of their problems? - Printable Version

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Why do people insist on having the government solve all of their problems? - Moraco Mole - 11-19-2012 02:43 AM

The government has failed at social security, they can't secure our borders. And now people want them to take over healthcare? They are the ones that screwed it up to begin with by having all these rules and stipulations to how someone can pratice medicine. If the government would just let the free market dictate the rules and standards on everything it is trying to control prices would be lower on everting including healthcare.

- TD - 11-19-2012 02:51 AM

I don't know. Why don't you write your government and ask them this question.

- Leanne - 11-19-2012 02:51 AM

"Why do people insist on having the government solve all of their problems?"

Substitute "far left liberals" for "people" in your question, and the answer is self evident - their agenda is clearly one of massive government entitlements.

- tomjohn2 - 11-19-2012 02:51 AM

if the free market was left to dictate world conditions, the united states would be one big slave labor market. we would all be working for 25 cents an hour. there would be no need for health care for the workers, because when you couldn't produce you would be gone.

standards are what protects the common man from the unscrupulous. think about it.

- Kelly B - 11-19-2012 02:51 AM

The free market isn't the solution you want it to be. There are anti-monopoly laws in place and yet we still have them.

The companies involved in whatever area of business set price minimums and then go up from there depending on the quality and which economic groups they can swindle more money from through tactics of appeasing the wealthy.

The government does have to provide oversight and regulation. If they didn't we'd be paying more for products and services than we already do.

There are many areas of our system that need fixing. Why is it acceptable for some paper pusher in an administrative position to decide that they won't cover a procedure that a doctor recommends because it isn't cost effective???
This is ridiculous!
If a doctor recommends a procedure it should be covered!
That's just one example!

EDIT: And as to Social Security, if the government would stop borrowing from S.S. there would be no problem!

- Geegee - 11-19-2012 02:51 AM

Frankly, I would hate to see what type of medicine some Doctors would practice without having to meet certain standards! There are somethings that you would not be aware of that could be happening, even with controls, some Doctors are pretty darn bad! Hospitals are all about cutting costs, they are being bought up by groups that are just in the business of making money. The problem with Social Security it that the population is growing older by the day, more money should have been put into the plan long ago. Also the government has used the money in S.S. for other needs, they did not invest the money or even put it where it would be paid interest, instead it is being repaid by government bonds that are useless! The only thing that those who want a health care plan is for all people to have access to some type of medical help when needed. I don't see that as a bad thing, there are too many in need of help with medicine, Doctor bills & hospital costs; everything is way out of line for what one receives. Yes, the government has done a poor job, but some of these problems were bound to happen; especially when we seem to be constantly at war with some other country! Some of those now running just want to even the playing field for those who do not have the means to provide for themselves through no fault of their own. Loss of jobs, low wages, high insurance costs, that pay little in return for the cost. Instead of just decrying the fact that some of those running for office want to see some changes, why not listen to what they have to say, some have good ideas about helping those who do need help.

- Bigsky_52 - 11-19-2012 02:51 AM

Because if the government is responsible for them then they don't have to be responsible for themselves. It's not THEIR fault that they're overweight, poor, sick, or stupid, it's the government's fault for not taking care of them! By transferring the power we also absolve ourselves of responsibility and blame. It's an easy solution for people who fear being allowed to take care of themselves because they just might fail.