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What are the differences between governments? - Printable Version

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What are the differences between governments? - Vince J - 11-19-2012 02:49 AM

With the new push here in the US towards more social programs, added to the current social programs it has brought forth the question of the growth of socialism and some say communism here in the US. My question today is what are the major differences between what we have now become and either socialism or communism? If we continue to have government grow with even more of this type programs, when will we know we have become socialized or communistic?

- egosignature - 11-19-2012 02:57 AM

The US is currently a mixture of free market, socialism, communism and fascism. Our representative democracy is diminishing because representatives don't represent their constituency, but only a select group they think will reelect them. Add to this that most of them seem to be of low average intelligence and we have a lot of nattering goons who don't read the bills they vote on. There is an instinctual belief amongst them that the citizen is property of the state, hence they have no problem in taking property from citizens to redistribute as they see fit.
For us to become truly communist, the government would have to remove all personal property rights and completely and directly control the economy. I don't think this will happen, but socialism will increase for the forseeable future because many in government believe it is the government's job to care for the lives of its citizens (as opposed to merely protecting them).