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How do I get over all the bull...How do I cope? (Need answers, 10 pts.)? - Printable Version

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How do I get over all the bull...How do I cope? (Need answers, 10 pts.)? - Summer Rae - 10-03-2012 06:52 AM

I'll try to make it as short as possible...
Basically, I've known this girl for about 4 or 5 years. We've played softball together, and went to high school together. We were never ones to get along too well, we've had our little arguments, whatever immature things. One minute I think she likes me, next I'm sure she hates me. But now, we're both out of high school, we just graduated. All of a sudden, it's like "Attack Summer" summer (ha). She posts stuff on twitter about me, writes comments on my Instagram claiming I "copy" her and whatnot. Immature things, that I'm so sick of, we're out of high school now grow up. But she will continuously post posts about me, all of them immature and rude. She also got who I thought was a good friend to me to post things about me as well, and I texted her about it and she told me all these rude things saying I've "Changed" and I'm a copier, and I'm never going to succeed in the future. I blocked both of them from twitter and instgram hoping that will stop all of the drama. But no, my mother knows about it all, so like a creep, she goes and looks at their twitters and will tell me the things they post which are clearly about me. I don't know why she does this to me, I don't want any of it! No matter what I do there's no escaping it. It hurts me so bad, knowing two people practically hate me for no reason, it makes me want to hate myself. But I know I can't let it get to me, but it's hard. I hate mainly this one girl for doing this to me, I honestly have built up so much hate for this girl it's unhealthy, if I were to see her, I don't know what I'd do. If I were stronger, I would definitely try to beat the crap out of her, it's gotten that bad. It's hard to be specific with all the things she's said about me, but their hurtful, always making fun of the things I do, what I wear, all childish acts, but they hurt.
How do I get over it all? I don't even know what to ask, but how do I make it stop? How do I help myself? How do I get myself to not have such strong hate for this girl?

- Summer Rae - 10-03-2012 07:00 AM

Go to a counselor who can help you with this situation.

- thre ez - 10-03-2012 07:00 AM

Why don't you charge her for harassment.

Listen, just cut them from your life. You blocked them already and that's great. Your mom shouldn't be telling you what they said because that just defeats the purpose. Some girls are attention-whorey little bitches and you need to learn how to not give them what they want - attention. You can't physically attack her so stop thinking about it. The best thing you can do is move on with your life. Find a job, hang out with friends that don't talk to her; stop yourself from ever talking about her - never say her name. if someone brings her up just shrug your shoulders and change the topic.

- Rhiannon - 10-03-2012 07:00 AM

Som people are just irrational and childish! You either just sit her down and say get real, get your shit together. Try to block her and avoid her and all her nastiness. She could be insecure or jealous, some people are just like that you know! Maybe before blocking her seek vengeance and let rip on her.

- Clovis - 10-03-2012 07:00 AM

It may sound rather impossible for you to solve this because your thoughts are so fix about this person and what they do like you mention you tried blocking her from all social sites, this is what's happening you are feeding your thoughts with all the negative things this person is doing so the laws of attraction brings it back to you, things you think creates your reality. Think of you are a wonderful person don't aid the any thought of thinking about the things you don't like concerntrate on the things you like and give gratitude to the beautiful things you like an own. If you see anything that dis person post about you don't read it sky that page logout for when you read it that negative thoughts grow and will manifest in your day or life you might go that whole day being unhappy because of that one thing, remember you create your own life as well as your destiny don't let the thoughts and dids on this negative person be part of you. Wish you well