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What are the main influential groups within the Democrat and the Republican parties? - Printable Version

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What are the main influential groups within the Democrat and the Republican parties? - The Seperation of Power - 11-19-2012 02:55 AM

Ok, this is what I've been able to come up with from research. Tell me if I've missed something, and provide links if possible please.

Groups within the Republicans:

Standard Conservative=for strong action foreign policy, for free market capitalism, business before environment, for traditional family values, against gun and property regulation

Classical Liberal=Same as conservative but set a different list of priorities focused on the economy

Moderate Republican=for strong action foreign policy, balance between business and environment, for traditional family values, for a big federal government and federal spending to handle issues, against gun and property regulation

Social Conservative=sometimes anti military, business before environment, for free market capitalism, for regulating and controlling morality in society, pro gun regulation

Conservative Libertarians=disagrees with the party on a lot of issues but believes in free market capitalism and against gun and property regulation

Groups within the Democrats:

Bright Green environmentalists=mainly focused on getting a balance between business and environment

Blue Dog Democrats=for fiscal conservatism, for traditional family values, for strong action foreign policy, balance between business and environment, against gun regulation

Dark Green Environmentalist=mainly focused on environment and heavy fines and regulations on businesses that harm the environment

Social Liberals=against traditional family values in public sector, heavy gun and property regulation, heavy environmental regulation, foriegn policy focused on getting along with the UN and other countries, uses taxes and government programs to intervene in the economy

A second optional question is what groups do you think have the majority and which have the minority in each party?

- Wayne S - 11-19-2012 03:03 AM

it all boils down to money. who has the most, & who gives the most to which party.

- quantumblink - 11-19-2012 03:03 AM

Thanks for doing the research, your list is more extensive than I know off the top of my head so unfortunately I won't be able to add any.

It's a shame you did the work and got very few responses.

Anyway, I would think that within the GOP the moderate Republicans have the stronghold. And I would think that social liberals have control over the Democrats. That seems to reflect the current trend atleast.

Thanks again.