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Why isn't the playstation network working? - Printable Version

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Why isn't the playstation network working? - zeke07 - 11-19-2012 02:58 AM

I was trying to play black ops today and the server would automatically sign me out?

Psn: zeke0750

- Sm0ke Monster - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

me neither ahhhhhhh

- Pinky - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

that has happened to me too i turn it off and turn it on and it would work good

- Del - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

I believe their having difficulty in their system, probaly those hackers that warn them. Sigh*...

- Anthony - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

sony is down, mostlikely they are getting attacked by those hackers anonymas and geohut, they say it will be down for a day or two, i hope sony dosnt give out though because they want everyone to have a choice to jailbreak their consoles and sony shouldnt give into their demands, i dont want to start facing people with auto aim on cod games and neither should anyone else,

- BILL - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

It's being hacked by some d-bags that can't handle online play without cheating..Try to play campaign for awhile because it will be down probably for most of the weekend. Ah, that's right. The campaign mode sucks.

- Hugo - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

I know i wanted to play Black ops too. Sony is in maintenance and HOPEFULLY THEY HURRY UP! If u try to sign in its says thats its under maintenance and it gives u a error code. THIS IS JUST BS!!!!!!! It might work by tommorow

- Chris - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

Stupid Hackers....

- Samuel - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

agh! i was trying to play black ops too!! stupid hackers, i hope they choke on their breakfast!

- steepbook878 - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

Oh and you guys who think hackers should get 2-5 years, WRONG. we must be a strong system against criminals, of any type affecting especially 70 million people. Death sentence is the only humane way to do this. If rats infest your house, do you kill 1 or 2 and leave the rest? NO you kill them all. Same thing should be done here. I probably won't be allowed to post this up, but i stand my my beliefs. You may say it is cruel. Think. Killing rats is the same as killing humans. Taking a life from something that is trying to survive happily. No difference. humans= to rats, rats=human, human=animal, rat= animal