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If Obama DID lower taxes even further for the Richest, would the Republicans actually vote for him in 2012? - Printable Version

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If Obama DID lower taxes even further for the Richest, would the Republicans actually vote for him in 2012? - Tea Partiers are Nazis - 11-19-2012 02:58 AM

Would they stop calling him a "Kenyan Islamic socialist" and have a big change-of-heart overnight?

Or would they still vote for the more conservative (Republican) candidate then?

If the GOP is hell-bent on demonizing, what incentive does he have to carrying out his agenda?

He might as well stay on a moderately-liberal course in order to repeat his 2008 electoral performance, right?

- BlackSunshine84 - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

No, because he is a lying muslim commie usurper.

- Jeffrey s - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

I would not vote for and did not vote for him the first time

I would not vote for or against based on his tax ideas

I wont vote due to him ramming the whole healthcare thing up our butts with no choice '

dont you remember your queen

You have to vote for it in order to read whats in it They all need to be gone

- Greg0787 - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

Tax rates are at the lowest rates in literally 50 years. We've eliminated numerous brackets.

Example. We have 20% real unemployment almost, the highest bracket is under 45%.

In 1960, the brackets ranged up to literally over 70%. Unemployment was incredibly low.

There's more governing the job market than merely taxes, trust me. If life were that simple all our problems would have been solved 300 years ago. We'd have constantly low taxes and we'd live in a utopia.

Here's something to consider: China subsidizes all its businesses. Not only do they not pay taxes, but they also provide their businesses with additional funds which they can use to out compete us. With deficits like Greece, if we want to do that, it's bye bye social security and medicare. Then again, I was never fond of baby boomers. But thinking about it, they gave us most of our current problems. Buy a house you can't afford, cut taxes during war, etc-- it's a nice recipe for a bad situation. I don't really care if they lose their benefits. Don't you dare jack up my payroll tax to support them.

The lesson?
Free trade isn't free when you're dealing with dirty players.

- karl k - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

you are such a dupe. dont you realize that when libs claim this they are referring the act where bush lowered taxes for every citizen and eliminated them for the poorest altogether?
if obama did the same and it again resulted in statistical full employment and the greatest revenues in our history there would be no reason for a republican to even run.
on the other hand results like this indicate to liberals "failed policies" so you have to wonder if he would even get the nomination.

- ahandle101 - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

Without his stimulus, unemployment could have gotten as high as 8%!

- Spooky Dude - 11-19-2012 03:07 AM

As long as he continues to push for more government control over the economy, doesn't cut spending, continues to surround himself with proven radicals and socialists, and doesn't stop pushing Cap And Tax, he'll continue to be labeled the anti-colonial socialist that he is and I will not vote for him in 2012.

He's destined to be a one-termer.