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How could Classical Conservatism be against helping Americans with the current mortage crisis? - Printable Version

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How could Classical Conservatism be against helping Americans with the current mortage crisis? - ryohei - 11-19-2012 03:03 AM

I'm doing an essay for a political science class and I must discuss how Classical Conservatism can be for and against helping out with the mortage. While I understand how it can be for it since CC runs on the belief of the "Social Fabric" but I don't see how it could be against it.

Could anyone possibly point me in the right direction?

Thank you~!
Sorry , I meant "How it can be for and against providing government assistance to people who cannot pay their home mortgage".

- wartz - 11-19-2012 03:11 AM

There is no mortage crisis. There is no mortage.

- Adam - 11-19-2012 03:11 AM

You are too intelligent and this is why you can't think of an answer against it because true conservative principles cannot be contributing factor for the mortgage crisis. We've had many call themselves conservatives who really aren't that are putting a bad name to conservatism but they are just liberals.

- Donovan - 11-19-2012 03:11 AM

Classical Conservatism states that in order to help the current mortgage crisis you must sit back and do nothing and deregulate all the banks.

- TheKitten - 11-19-2012 03:11 AM

Basically, classical conservatives hold the view that markets are always right, even when the system fails to provide for most.

It's an idea that can be traced all the way to Adam Smith. Basically, it states that markets left to themselves are more efficient than anything anyone tries in social engineering or compassionate restructuring to try to "fix" the system. Basically, today's conservatives believe we live in the best of all possible worlds, as long as we let markets be free. In other words, no matter how bad it gets, it's still the best of all possible worlds.

I won't get into a discussion on just how free markets really are under such governments, because I'm in a generous mood, but that's the basic theory.

So they believe helping people in time of need will actually make the system sicker in the long run. That's the basic "official" answer.

- me_devil_head - 11-19-2012 03:11 AM

It's simple. The second video is the best! Democrats defending it. The same ones asking for more money to prop up the problem they force fed today. It's on the record, and live !

Bush should have let them fold, Obama should let them fold also.