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How to get followers on twitter? - Printable Version

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How to get followers on twitter? - Falourmama - 10-03-2012 07:22 AM

i just joined twiter and now i would like to know what is the best approach to get twitter followers ?

- Nick S - 10-03-2012 07:30 AM

The best approach to get twitter is to tell your friends to follow you,or you can tell people/friends follow me and i'll follow back. Last but not least,you can wait for your friends on twitter to find you,and they will more likely follow you.

- Cool Story Bro. - 10-03-2012 07:30 AM

Follow them first. They'll follow you back.

- Hyder - 10-03-2012 07:30 AM

Important advice when you are new on Twitter
-Add a photo to your profile
-Complete the bio section and add a URL which points to your website
-Publish a few messages before starting your search for contacts (approximately 10)
-Follow those people who are more likely to add value to your own activity of interest.
-Retweet the messages of others when you find them appealing and worth a re tweet.
-Answer the questions of other users when they seek information from you
-Make use of to shorten the url links in your tweet.

-make people know on facebook or email your contacts/customers that you are on twitter .
-include it in your email footer.

- - 10-03-2012 07:30 AM

Start by inviting your friends, then be interesting, people wont follow you if all you do is tweet that your having a drink or reading a book, if you are interesting and your tweets mean something then you will get followers. People follow what they find interesting, if you ahve a good subject or content you get known and passed around by work of mouth and retweets. Be interesting, be regular and dont be offensive you will see your numbers steadily grow, but dont expect mirracles aim for 100 or 200 you wont get the millions celebs get unless you have something unique about you.

- Nichole - 10-03-2012 07:30 AM

First off, try to follow as many as you can - Most of Twitter users need to have followers too so you have a high chance to be followed back

Tweet interesting and unique tweets cause people love to "favorite" and "RT" tweets that comes from the original source.

Try to give, and you would surely take some as well - I mean, favorite, RT and reply to some post via @mention to increase your visibility and they will do as well.

And finally, for instant real followers, get them at Smile Most Reliable Social Media services online.


- Franky - 10-03-2012 07:30 AM

Hello. Social media exchange website are the answer. Fine some popular and active ones where people are online, this way you can build lots of follower fairly quickly without to much wasted time as the other methods of getting followers. Its also a free thing to do and also legal since you are just exchanging and not creating bongus accounts or something like that.

- Michael M - 10-03-2012 07:30 AM

The way I used was but I don't think they have the extra targeting features.

- Selena - 10-03-2012 07:30 AM

Your enquiry is kinda unique.. I havent had this dilemma with twitter.. You can look at contacting the twitter team for further help.: )

- crookeddonkey507 - 10-03-2012 07:30 AM

Please do not listen to people that tell you the same stuff with follow-unfollow. If you want followers you need to answer the question: "WHAT kind of followers?"

People follow Twitter accounts based on Interest. You do not want to have automated accounts following you, you want readers and people who listen what you have to say, so:

1. Have something interesting to say about a specific topic like a hobby or your passion

2. Find accounts via sites like or to find influencial people on Twitter about that topic and try to interact with them by retweeting or tweeting related topics

3. Get yourself a clear education on how Social Media works, its not some childish game - its something strategic. I recommend you the free course from HootSuite called HootSuite University 101