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Anyone know any good places to advertise a business for free on the internet? - Printable Version

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Anyone know any good places to advertise a business for free on the internet? - Eddy B - 11-19-2012 03:05 AM

I work for a company named Contract Beads and we've just started sending samples to external render bead users. We also allow our product to be bought online but we are looking for some places to advertise our business/product.
Links would be very much appreciated!
We sell a plastic external render bead, our website is (going through a few touch-ups) and customers may buy off our website, but we're looking to advertise our business on the internet further. We're mainly looking for any good placesto advertise our business for free.
Ay help would be appreciated Smile

- fanella - 11-19-2012 03:14 AM

no idea what it is you sell but never mind

you can put a free ad in the online yellow pages

- lorne - 11-19-2012 03:14 AM

What exactly is the purpose of your beads ? Try selling them on ebay. That would give you some exposure.

- twoside - 11-19-2012 03:14 AM

You should setup your own site (only a few bucks per month). That is the best advertisement. Check the website section of for more info.

- Quietcherry148 - 11-19-2012 03:14 AM

thing things are based on self-employed/small business owners but may give you some ideas!

10 low cost ways to promote your website
1) add your site to as many search engine listings as you can find, ie

2) make sure you add meta tags to your website (key words which you list then when people search for those keywords your site will come up in the results) - all part of SEO - search engine optimisation

3) put your website address on all your business stationary - letterheads, invoices, compliments slips, delivery slips, envelopes, parcel packaging, business cards etc etc

4) promote your website by adding it to your email signature on both business and personal emails

5) join as many social networking sites as you can ie hi5, bebo, tagged, facebook, myspace, yahoo 360 etc and add your web address in your profile or notice boards etc

6) add yourself to online directories who give free listings ie

7) get some stickers made for your car, and window stickers made for car windows of friends, family, customers etc

8) PR is always a good move, ask your local paper(s) to run a feature, get your business start-up story on business sites like

9) use to get some free/low cost marketing materials and leave them everywhere you go - cafes, train stations, libraries, school, community centres, college

10) word of mouth is a great way to promote something - and it's free! tell everyone you know and get them to tell people they know