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How much would it cost to have a video hosting website created? - Printable Version

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How much would it cost to have a video hosting website created? - L - 11-19-2012 03:05 AM

Hello guys, was just wondering how much it would cost all in to have a decent video hosting website created. I would be outsourcing the work to a web designer, and any additional information regarding running costs etc would be very appreciated...

- Dј §ργя0x =) - 11-19-2012 03:14 AM

It would probably cost you somewhere between 500 - 1,000$ depending on the quality content and design you choose for your website. Later on, you'll pay somewhere between 15 - 30$ per month for hosting.

- Jake - 11-19-2012 03:14 AM

To be honest, it can vary. If it were popular for hosting it would cost allot from $30 a month + $20 a year for a domain name.
Why? Because videos need allot of space to store them, then you have to worry about upload and download bandwidth!

Then you need the website designed and scripted. Costing from $300 to Unlimited, Because successful website are never finished!

For starting of designs and development for a half decent design and system i would say $1000-$2000.

- Sarah Nilam - 11-19-2012 03:14 AM

It may cost more or less $1000. It can go higher if you want to add blogs, forms, shopping cart and other e-commerce tools and the like.

- C - 11-19-2012 03:14 AM

You can make a good guess but it really does depend on a lot of things. Also.. it's not a bad idea to over shoot.. sometimes projects can get bigger than you originally planned.

For outsourcing.. that can depend on finding an affordable programmer/designer that knows what he is doing but is also priced affordably. Just make sure they know what they are doing before starting.. there are a growing number of "experts" out there now with fake portfolios.

The only other thing you'd need is a server.. You'd probably just need to start out with a VPS and then move up as you use more space and get more traffic.

I have a VPS from SiteServing and love them.. they have eight different plans, so you have a lot of wiggle room.. It's not like you have to jump up to a Dedicated right away. Their VPS's are priced very affordable.. cheapest being about $16 or so. Not bad at all...

Also... figure in the price for advertising... blogging, social media, articles... that's all free but if you get into other marketing efforts it can be quite expensive. WickedFire forum is a great place to look if you want some good prices on getting more traffic to your site. Also you can of course place ads on your own site to make some extra money to help balance the cost of creating your site.

Hope that helps..

- Robert Ardell - 11-19-2012 03:14 AM

You have a cupla costs you have to consider and it really depends upon your end goal and how you plan to monetize your business?

1) Web Design - see other answers
2) Storage Costs - ranging from .10 to $1.00 a GB depending upon whether you host it yourself via Amazon or other options or whether you go with a CDN direct like Akamia or EdgeCast or if you go with an OVP who also utilizes a CDN like BirghtCove, Oculu or Ooyala.
3) Bandwidth Costs - similar costs as storage
4) Ongoing maintenance and customer support - browser support, HTML5 player support, OS support, etc. and who do your clients call if they have a problem uploading?
5) Marketing and Branding - HUGE range