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Democrats wanna tax more and spend more, Republicans wanna tax less and spend less? - Printable Version

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Democrats wanna tax more and spend more, Republicans wanna tax less and spend less? - blackporter - 11-19-2012 03:09 AM

Republicans believe in the free market and personal responsibility, Democrats like social engineering, sin taxes and want to force you to live the way they want you to live. Do you agree or not and why?

- jimbo - 11-19-2012 03:17 AM

FAIL. Republicans just want to funnel money to the wealthy. They are willing to spend plenty on corporate welfare and national defense. And they are perfectly willing to run up deficits to do it.

- Blondelicious - 11-19-2012 03:17 AM

there is no perfect political party.

- livelyheat486 - 11-19-2012 03:17 AM

I think real Conservatives in the Republican Party believe that.

- mammothborder529 - 11-19-2012 03:17 AM


They preach opposite philosophies and do the exact same thing in office. The two biggest spenders in history have been republicans.

- Travers Watson - 11-19-2012 03:17 AM


Republicans want to BORROW more and spend more. We can't spend money we don't have.
Democrats want to tax (the rich) more and spend more. That seems like the lesser of two evils to me.

- Sageandscholar - 11-19-2012 03:17 AM

Massive oversimplification.
Recent history demonstrates Republicans may want to tax less but will do nothing to curb government spending.
And your subsequent descripition of what Democrats "like" is nonsense. A better way to put it would be "Democrats accept the reality of market failures and the role the government can take in addressing them".
But still - generalization and oversimplification are the enemies of a strong argument not the foundation of one.

- James - 11-19-2012 03:17 AM


When it come to the debt, Republicans are really without a leg to stand on. ALL 5 of the last democratic administrations decreased the debt as a percentage of GDP. The last four republicans increased the debt. Regan tripled it.

Facts are stubborn things!

- Stephen - 11-19-2012 03:17 AM

nope untrue

- American Youth! - 11-19-2012 03:17 AM

Both parties want to spend different areas. Republicans want to spend it on missiles, and Dems want to spend the money inside the country like in health and education.