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Do creationists not realize that capitalism = Darwinism applied to economics? - Printable Version

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Do creationists not realize that capitalism = Darwinism applied to economics? - Matt M - 11-19-2012 03:10 AM

And yet conservatives appear to worship the "free market," aka capitalism.

- BelovedDestroyer737 - 11-19-2012 03:18 AM

It's not exactly social Darwinism and Eugenics/Social Darwinism is a dangerous path.

- Mark D - 11-19-2012 03:18 AM

I've heard plenty of liberals refer to free market capitalism as "social Darwinism."

But if you think that it makes no sense for a person to be politically conservative in that they believe both in the Bible and in free market capitalism, I've gotta react by laughing so hard that milk will squirt out of my nose. There is absolutely no similarity between basic economics and beliefs about the origins of humankind. Why are you comparing apples to polar bears?

- nothingconstant - 11-19-2012 03:18 AM

capitalism naturally creates more concentrated capital into fewer hands

It gets so concentrated that a beginning industry never ever has the chance to compete based on completely unlevel playing field.

So if you think that's all wonderful and roses I would have to worry some.

- captainobvious_lj - 11-19-2012 03:18 AM

you do realize even Darwin didnt believe social darwinism right. makes this mute dont you think

- I , a Bolshevik - 11-19-2012 03:18 AM

No, but as life and Universe do, Capitalism also evolves.
That´s why we are so happy with all this mess in the World,its another sign of the agony of Capitalism.Even at its very core, USA.
The door for us is open, again.

- juandos - 11-19-2012 03:18 AM

Do liberal retards really understand the either capitalism or Darwinian theory?

Do creationists?

Hmmm, they are both in the same boat on those questions it seems...

- Kyrix - 11-19-2012 03:18 AM

Trust me, you don't want to link Darwinism with Social Darwinism, in that you have to believe in and support both or neither. Otherwise anyone who believes we all got here though natural selection would be forced into supporting capitalism.

Interestingly enough though, the primary objection William Jennings Bryan had to evolution was that he felt it being taught in schools would lead to acceptance of Social Darwinism, and of fat- cat "robber barons".

- ANTI-SOCIALIST - 11-19-2012 03:18 AM

Conservatives do hold the free market system in high regard as opposition to the socialist alternative.
Your Darwinism parallel (only the strong survive) has credit and our government has brought "small scale" socialism in our welfare, retirement, educational and health care systems.
"I'm sure your proud"
Not good enough! You want more inefficient, ineffective socialist programs?!!
Most of us would prefer the wasteful socialist system we have now be sh*t canned and replaced -w- private charity services.

- JoshuaCrime - 11-19-2012 03:18 AM

You do hear conservatives speak in hushed and reverential tones when it comes to "the market", like it's some kind of living entity.

It's not. It's just a lot of money moving to and fro. The system is flawed in a lot of ways, and it is social Darwinism at it's peak.

I challenge any one, especially conservatives, to show me where a certain degree of socialism is dangerous to the nation. I mean really show me. No ideological crap. Show me.

They can't. It's not written in the Constitution that capitalism is the method by which the American economy will be run. I've read it. It doesn't say that anywhere.