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Is a big part of human society ignorant and controlled by governments and corporations? - Printable Version

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Is a big part of human society ignorant and controlled by governments and corporations? - freithink - 11-19-2012 03:12 AM

What can free thinking individuals do,when most societies are brainwashed by their governments and pushed into material consumerism values that are mostly profitable to the ones that share financial and political power worldwide?
Thaks to all that are aware and awake!
Thanks to all that are aware and awake!

- Liam - 11-19-2012 03:20 AM

People can't do anything apart from sit back and watch as corporations take over the world. Its pointless attempting to fight them because people would just get crushed like a fly, and many people are ignorant to the problem or too cosy in their current lifestyles xD.

(if this isn't an answer then idk what im supposed to be answering lol :o)

- hi-c - 11-19-2012 03:20 AM

of course! especially when you see how the the media is controlled by very few people that reflect their own views.

- Fran - 11-19-2012 03:20 AM

You can make changes to your consuming / purchasing.

Afterall - we have the power to spend our money where we wish - and if enough people spend responsibly at least some of the larger corrupt corporations will be forced to change.

If focus is taken away from consuming oil and petro chemicals i bet this would have a knock on effect to the conflict in the middle east. Petro chemicals (ie crude oil) are used for pretty much everything in our modern lifestyle, so think before you buy.

- Reuben Goldstein - 11-19-2012 03:20 AM

It's not so much that a big part of society is ignorant. It has a lot more to do with the fact that they have for a long time been fed a diet of complete misinformation. They have been deliberately fed the clap trap they are fed in order to manipulate them for one dubious reason or another. You only have to look at the situation in the UK to see this. Any would be Prime Minister must win the backing of Rupert Murdoch because in order to be PM you must win the Sun vote.

What can we do about it ? We have to start by controlling the media in a way that it is managed responsibly, free possibly from commercial interest, but with a strict remit of promoting decency and sound practices within a society.

Modern society has been brainwashed and fully controlled by various media outlets that have encouraged a complete degeneration of moral and ethical standards within the society in which we live. For example people have been bombarded by this notion that celebrity is the only thing that you should aspire too in this life, hording excessive wealth is applaudable, violence is somehow this hugely glamorous past time that should be given lip service in virtually every form of media - most worryingly video games that are played extensively by our youth and competitveness is good.

All of us whether we like to admit it or not our controlled by the opinions of the people around us. Therefore it is vitally important that the messages that mass media potray are of decent ethical standards. If we can make people believe that some of the most rancid pursuits in society are to be applauded and encouraged then the same can be said of promoting values of kindness and decency if we can only make it cool and applaudable to do so. We can also dis-credit the old negative pursuits by pouring cold water on them and making them seen as uncool and deplorable. For example if we treated gangsters in the same way as we treated paedophiles would we really have so many people wanting to aspire to be the former ? I doubt it.

This is what is now required of us and it is the key to changing the society in which we live..

Have a look at the following links. They talk about this subject in greater detail:

I'd be intrigued to hear your opinions of the above.

- Josephine - 11-19-2012 03:20 AM

An individual in society has very little influence on the state of play.
Democracy is itself limiting to the extent that , because it is necessary to help those in poverty, those persons in the middle ground have to fight to keep their quality of life at a stable level.

In the past (not too distant) it was possible to work hard and improve your station in life considerably. Nowadays you are lucky if your employment is not terminated due to economic factors or ,as self employed, sufficient work is available to you.

No matter how hard you are prepared to work the option is not there.

You don't have to br ignorant to realise that your life is controlled by governments and large corporations but there is still very little you can do to alter things.

Maybe ignorance is bliss

Perhaps you might then think that it is the way things have always been..

- Melley - 11-19-2012 03:20 AM

You are right, we are all free thinking. Therefore we all have a choice in the way that we choose to live our lives. Too many of us are concerned with symbols of status.
The judgment on how much money and possessions we have determines our social value.

We have lost the ability to be happy with what we have got. Constantly brainwashed by the media and adverts who tempt us to buy more than we can afford because “you must have it to be more attractive, powerful, happier, it will change your life” etc.

Society forgets that the public get what the public want. These products are only there because there is a demand and therefore the market for them.

If you can rise above this mentality you may find another stream of wealth. It’s called spiritual happiness. This kind of wealth comes from appreciation of the beauty around us. You may find this kind of wealth from a walk in the countryside, in a glorious sunset, or just taking the time to stop for five minutes and just appreciate what we have.

We have a wealth of love in our families who need us. By giving more to those who need us we may find that receive more back.

The world will never be ideal but we as individuals can change our own little worlds. In doing that we may find we don't have a need for material consumerism.

The major illness in society today is they are all tuned into Radio WII FM (What’s In It For Me).

But maybe I’m just being cynical.

It’s Mother’s Day this Sunday. What will you be doing?