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Do members of the media realize they're not on the New York Jets official team roster? - Printable Version

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Do members of the media realize they're not on the New York Jets official team roster? - Chaos - 11-26-2012 08:38 PM

Why do these clowns keep expressing their opinion, then label themselves as an "anonymous Jet player"?

They did it with Mark Sanchez in the offseason, and now they're doing it to Tim Tebow. Pathetic.

Extra Question: How pathetic is it that people ACTUALLY believe what the media is feeding them about "Jets players" anonymously criticizing a teammate? It's common sense---people hate the Jets and they're an easy target. Thus, they'll believe any negative news about the Jets. Do you actually believe in these media-produced "anonymous" sources? They probably caught one negative comment from Matt Slausen and then added 11 "anonymous" ones to make it look worse than it actually is.
BY THE WAY, the one Jets player name the NY Daily News put in their little BS report was Matt Slauson, and that comment was made EARLIER IN THE SEASON. They just so happen to randomly publish it now alongside "a dozen" other anonymous comments? Ha...

- Brett Favre - 11-26-2012 08:47 PM

They can get into a lot of trouble and probably lose their career for completely fabricating a story. I doubt they'd risk it just to make the Jets look like they're divided.

- deepbadge651 - 11-26-2012 08:47 PM

Its just the media,dude,they do this to everyone.Athletes,celebrities,etc. They blow everything out of proportion.Best thing to do is to just ignore it.

- Arrogantsidewalk596 - 11-26-2012 08:47 PM

At this point, realization has finally hit that Rex isn't going to succumb to the media's propagandic bullshit. Now their agenda is to try to stir up as much drama within the organization as possible so Tim will request a trade or outright release, and this wet dream of theirs and desperate, feeble attempt to keep their golden boy relevant can resurface elsewhere. It's actually funny how many people think Rex should be fired only because of his "incompetence" and "stubborness" for not putting Tim in, when clearly those same people hated him and the Jets well before Tim got there and wanted him fired anyway. This is the America we live in today. Anonymous reports, sadly, are all it takes. And people buy it.

I sort of wish there WAS some truth to the article, though. I could then say "I told you so" to all of the idiots who said that the Jets would all "play harder" and "come out more energized" if Tim was the starter. If anybody on our team WANTED that, somebody would have come out and said something by now. Unfortunately for the media, nobody on the Jets wants it. Just them and the morons who believe themselves to be of head coaching intelligence when it comes to their fapping obsession, Tim Tebow. Most of them are hypocrites anyway. They all hated the Jets; now they "can't" hate them by default since Tim is here.

Ryan can't win. If he says anything positive about Tim, he has to be the starter. If he says anything negative, he gets criticized for bringing him in, in the first place. Rex has made it crystal clear from day one that Mark was going to be the starting quarterback. The media didn't hear it that way. They heard it this way: "Mark is going to be the starting quarterback.... for now." Even Skip himself admitted on twitter numerous times that Mark has clearly outplayed Tim in practice. All his fans are stuck on last year. I keep telling them the same thing. Jacksonville wasn't willing to give more than what the Jets did, and Tim wanted to come here. If the Jaguars seriously thought that Tim could be their guy and take them to the playoffs, they could have used their 3rd round pick on him..... and not a punter.

If anyone is going to get a start, it's McElroy, who showed me a LOT in the pre-season game against Philly.

- Boise Brett - 11-26-2012 08:47 PM

Considering we could see the division last season, there's alot of credibility to this story. I buy it, and they're probably staying anonymous to avoid any more division then there already is. And I really doubt that the journalists would fabricate a story to tell us something we already know. Also doesn't really help when no one is refuting it, not even Rexy Ryan

- Rtyesry - 11-26-2012 08:47 PM

This is the America we live in today