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Why is there no advertisements about child abuse on tv? - Printable Version

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Why is there no advertisements about child abuse on tv? - RockStar - 11-26-2012 08:40 PM

I might just be on the wrong channel at the wrong time but Im not really aware of any tv advertisements about child abuse. I mean you see advertisements about animal abuse and how you should help the animals (I am an animal lover so I am not putting them down in any way, just making a point) so why is there no advertisements about helping abused children and making people more aware of tell-tell signs that a child is in that situation? Or even battered women?

- jamie - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

I see the NSPCC advert all the time.

- Steffan - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

Same reason you haven't put up any of those advertisements yet.

- Cybaster - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

Do you see most kids dare to talk back to their parents?
Talk about the fear.

- WallyZ - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

You probably will not like this answer but I believe it is the point. The ads for animal abuse and Feed the Children that you see are for charity organizations that want you to contribute. There aren't many charity organizations for child abuse and the such. There are advertisements but those are often PSA's, Public Service Announcements. Those are often shown free of charge but the TV stations will often only show them if they did not sell the air time to a paying commercial. You can often see them late at night and on weekends. One that is aired often is by President Obama to encourage parents to spend time with their kids. If you want to donate to some children's charities, some of the lesser known are thru Wendy's and In-N-Out restaurants, in particular. Occasionally In-N-Out will offer a 3 to 1 match for donations. (you give $1, they add $3) z

- niyamoorthy - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

As your question says why there is no advertisement about child abuse, i think you are not watching tv properly and not reading daily newspapers, Central governent and state government used to advertisement national toll free help line telephone no to complain about child abuse, child labour, women harrasement, dowry related complaints, and eve teasing

- Salena - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM


- KMR - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

Other than those exploitive 'Adopt a Child' commercials shaming people to give them money out of guilt, very few public awareness ads populate the airwaves.

It is my understanding that government social services organizations are forbidden by law to solicit the public for funding as private ones do. Instead they must rely on public service broadcast announcements to keep the issue in front of the public. I'm sure that with all the budget cuts states have had to make, awareness media marketing is the one of the first things to go.

Around the holidays, there are a few more abuse prevention commercials, and sometimes religious groups will sponsor awareness ads, but mostly, media just wants to be a shiny, happy place of entertainment. Media are required by law to dedicate a specified amount of free airtime to public service announcements, but thanks to the corporate hijack of media and government, the time allotment gets smaller and smaller.

Sad, isn't it?