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How to not have a social life? - Printable Version

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How to not have a social life? - Michael - 11-26-2012 08:40 PM

Im a fun guy in high school but Im a social person so it hard for me to be a simpler person. I have had a taste of the crazy daring life but I don't really care for it. How can i change this in my life or at least the social part. I really want to be a simpler person in the end. And by simpler person i mean a relax not big on keeping up with every thing and everyone. A guy you only see in school or at the store.

- Ssssss - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

play wow

- Chanelle . - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

Keep to yourself and don't talk to anyone unless you're close to them. (: Focus on your school work.

- Javier - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

Be more focus in school like doing hw or pay all the attention to your teachers, keep yourself busy with something, when you get to your house, if you have any console, play any videogame of your choice,
but as i told you be more focus on school i did that and my friends kinda stopped talking to me

- chasenchease - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

have a dominant group of friends that you mostly hang out with them. So that way you only deal with their drama and sit and chill with them

- The Snake - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

Delete your facebook account, twitter account, MSN account, every social account. Throw your phone into a trash can and go home ...and stay home. Go outside only when it's necessary (school, work, store, etc). After a month you'll have to deal with depression. That's OK. Do meditation and train your mind with math or something like that. Otherwise you'll be stressed and confused. Read books, watch TV shows or play videogames. Somehow get yourself busy. No friends or girlfriends allowed.

You gonna forget about anything social within a year. Two years at most.