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I'm ashamed of my generation? - Printable Version

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I'm ashamed of my generation? - Taylor - 11-26-2012 08:40 PM

Everyone consumes now. No one creates anymore. Everyone is lazy, and no one seems concerned about constructive things such as school. No one reads anymore either. And I'm tired of the materialism and poor grammar. Facebook, Twitter, and all social networking get on my nerves. Everyone has to have an iPhone or another smartphone. Could you tell me your opinions on these matters?

- Schatzl - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

I'm part of this generation...ssssssooooooo...yup, I hate it too...

- JayeeGOthoee - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

Your right. Your obviously not that annoyed though, I mean look at you. Your on a social netwrking site right now.

- Mandi - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

Wow. Those are a lot of generalizations.

I don't consider myself lazy. I cook myself (prepackaged food is terrible for you), I made my own bookshelves, I crochet. I got straight A's in high school, and graduated college with a 3.7 GPA. My grammar isn't perfect, but it is generally acceptable. I love Facebook. I am able to keep up with family and friends who live thousands of miles away for the cost of high speed internet that I need for other things anyway. I don't waste money on smart phones.

So, my opinion is that you're whiny, conceited, and probably a bit of an elitist. Get over yourself and embrace what is good about this day and age while holding on to what is important to you.

- Courtney Lemasters - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

Not everyone is like that I would say just a big majority of people are. I think Twitter is stupid personally. I have a facebook and get on a lot. But it actually is a big waste of time. Some people use these social networking sites though to chat with family that they rarely see. So there is an up side to them, too. Also I prefer to call people over texting, I find it is quicker then waiting for a response. I guess people want to have the best type of phone because they want to look "cool." I don't even have a phone and I am a sophomore in high school. I don't think those things matter it is about who you are inside that matters. Some people just don't think of things this way.

- yo - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

Those are a lot of generalizations.

- Mathew - 11-26-2012 08:48 PM

Assuming you are a teenager I have to agree with your assessment. I am 29 and even many in my generation astound me with their stupidity and addiction to social media. Teens these days do worry me however. Something went fundamentally wrong after my generation. The largest contributing factor to teens these days is the pop culture. Fashion dictates girls dress like hookers, parents are far too lenient, boys need haircuts and to dress less like women, and the world needs to stop giving a great big hug to everyone with a minor problem.