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Should my friends know about my YouTube account? - Printable Version

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Should my friends know about my YouTube account? - Cat - 11-26-2012 08:40 PM

I'm starting to create a YouTube account on beauty stuff and all. But I don't know if I should let my friends know because I'm afraid they will judge me but I don't want to hide anything from them so what should i do?

- John Z Wetmore - 11-26-2012 08:49 PM

Sooner or later your friends will find out about it, so plan now what you will say when they do.

How about getting your friends involved in making your videos? It could be fun.

When it comes time to promote your videos, it's a whole lot easier if you can include places where your friends might see it, like Facebook and Twitter.

- Jayda Harris - 11-26-2012 08:49 PM

I think you should tell them. Its not a big deal, really. I'm a singer and i felt like i didn't even want to share my videos on my facebook account to show my friends because i was afraid they'd judge me (in a bad way) but now, i don't mind. Because i'm a singer, i have to get used to the fact that people will judge me in some way and listen to me sing. So, let em know about it, or don't. It doesn't matter, either way i'm sure they wont mind (: