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Im going to come right out and establish this cutiepie? scorpio sun girl? - Printable Version

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Im going to come right out and establish this cutiepie? scorpio sun girl? - scorpio101 - 11-26-2012 08:41 PM

Do you really think I'm jealous of you ? Or anything you do for that matter?
I said I like snoopie because she seems more mature but who cares whats said on here about crushes this is a fukking horoscope sec where you ask questions. Not facebook, twitter, instagram or cinemagram & if you're really jealous of me saying I have a crush on snoopie you should get it together because I wasn't even attempting to make you jealous I stated facts you got jealous without me even making a effort. Grow up this isn't a dating site!
My placements scorp sun taurus moon sag mars
@snoopie this isn't a bashment on any part of you. This is just something to set everything straight.

- jollypark542 - 11-26-2012 08:49 PM

I didn't want to let everyone kno who I was, but I am Sasha. Just so you know. I decided to stop with all the drama and only ask Astrology questions and answer Astrology questions. I realized that If I am just here to learn Horoscopes and Astrology. That's what I should be here for. I don't need to get involved in none of this teenage drama. Half of this stuff you are yelling about is just a misunderstanding. I should go to real Astrology site because the kids here don't know a smidge about Astrology. and Are just here to start drama and form cliques. When I first came here this is not what I had planned for. Snoopie is still my friend and I'll still stand up for her. I at this point don't care about making friends. I just care about Astrology.

Cutiepie is arrogant anyways, Even though we do have some similarities I still don't like her attitude and her shallow ways.

Edit: Cutiepie thinks she is the number 1 girl every guy wants. The truth is, Guys don't like girls like her. Guys think girls like her are straight up dirty. Cutiepie thinks what she is doing is just so adorable. And its not, I don't even think she is what she say she is. She sits here and brags about her amazing life. I mean If it is so good, Why are you here?

@Aqqua: This isn't a showdown, nor do I want it to be. I said what I needed to say about Cutiepie nothing more nothing less. That is it, I drop this drama for here. Thank you. and Sagittarius is my sign.

Cutiepie: Scorpio Sun,Aries in Moon
Sasha (Me): Sagittarius sun ,Aries in Moon
Snoopie: Aquarius sun, Virgo moon (Libra moon I think)
Asker: Scorpio (Don't know the moon)

- Aqaq Werty - 11-26-2012 08:49 PM

What the hell is going on here, let me go get my popcorn

Whats both of yours sign?

That's it you 2? Come on I wanna see a show down, don't be afraid to show your desire to your enemies.

It's not drama it's entertainment LOL I can't believe you 2 where fighting over nonsense ughh ughh excuse me that's my moon in Sagittarius talking

Let's get the road to the show ladies, I wanna see some moon in Aries action

- Fearlessfireman138 - 11-26-2012 08:49 PM

She's a kid I wouldn't pay her any attention. We don't even knw what she looks like. For all we know she could just be hyping herself up. And even if she is cute it's always someone out here who looks better than her. She's 17

- Snoo-pie♡Sasha - 11-26-2012 08:49 PM

Have I missed something?

Cool question to get both me and cutiepie bashed, very cunning I admit LOL.

- Pisces - 11-26-2012 08:49 PM