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can you tell me chuck norris jokes? - Printable Version

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can you tell me chuck norris jokes? - dj - 11-27-2012 06:24 AM

"Chuck Norris can open a locked door" is an example of a Chuck Norris joke.

- gnomus12 - 11-27-2012 06:32 AM

Ghosts sit around the camp fire and tell Chuck Norris stories.

Chuck Norris doesn't flush a toilet...he scares the sh*t out of it


- gnomus12 - 11-27-2012 06:32 AM

Did you hear about the bullet that shot Chuck Norris? It's funeral was yesterday.

- Lindsay - 11-27-2012 06:32 AM

Chuck Norris doesn't need a twitter, he's already following you.
Jesus can walk on water, chuck Norris can swim on land.
When Chuck Norris goes up to bat the pitcher strikes out.
When Alexander Belle invented the telephone he had 3 missed calls from Chuck Norris.
There used to be a street named Chuck Norris but they had to change it because nobody crosses Chuck Norris and lives.

- Sadie - 11-27-2012 06:32 AM

Chuck Norris went to the Virgin Islands. When he left they were just the Islands.
Chuck Norris counted to infinity.....TWICE.
Chuck Norris can run around the world and punch himself on the back of his head.
Why doesn't Chuck Norris have hair on his balls? Because hair doesn't grow on steel.
Fear of spiders is arachnophobia, fear of tight spaces is claustrophobia, fear of Chuck Norris is logic.

- redalac - 11-27-2012 06:32 AM

Chuck Norris overdosed on Viagra , he (oh come on,you know the punch line)